Chapter 11

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Hey so this one will probably be getting more editing and we will edit this note so u know when its been updated just wanted to get a chapter out tonight sorry if its not great edits to come
All the love

edited: 5/13/20

edited: 6/23/23

Harsh, cerulean eyes shone bright with malicious intent...

Blonde hair flowed down her naked back...

A pendant wrapped, always, around her vulnerable neck...

She was never truly vulnerable, though. Not really.

Derek squirmed, sweat beaded down his spine. He was too hot. It felt like he was burning from the inside out.

"You were too late, Der," came a sing-song voice from the darkness surrounding him.

"Too late to save Mommy and Daddy or your sisters and brothers. Too late to save Isaac and Scott...too late to save Stiles..."


"No," Derek cried, waking himself from his own nightmare.

He jumped out of the chair he had dozed off in, and scanned the room wildly for danger. There was a pounding in his ears, and it was dark all around him. He couldn't see or hear his surroundings which made him uncharacteristically naked.

The Alpha stumbled backwards trying to get away from whatever hunted him in the darkness, but his heel caught on the leg of a foot stool and he fell backwards. He twisted in mid air so he landed on his stomach.

A loud crash echoed in the room as the Alpha made contact with wood paneling, the air flew out of his lungs.

Derek lay curled on the ground, shivering, as he desperately tried to inhale.

"Not real," he wheezed, hearing a clear sound for the first time since he woke up. Derek drew breath in, finding it easier and easier the more he focused.

"Not real. It's not real," he repeated it over and over again until he believed it.

He wasn't an oblivious sixteen year old boy anymore who thought the world sat in the palm of his hand. Years had passed since the fire, years had passed since his world had burned to the ground. Everything was different now. He was different now.

Derek tenderly ran his hands over his body, checking for any major injury. He was fine save for the tears he hadn't realized were leaking from his eyes. He shook from head to toe as he forced himself to a sitting position, and furiously wiped the wetness from his cheeks.

This was pathetic.

He was a full grown man; he shouldn't be crying over something as trivial as a nightmare.

The Alpha rested the crook of his arms against his knees and looked around the room. His sitting chair near the fireplace was turned over from his spill to the ground, but besides his own imagination, there was no real threat.

Derek got up, and gingerly righted the piece of furniture he had fallen asleep on.

The Alpha didn't remember when he had drifted off, but it had been midday the last he remembered. From the sliver of moon outside, it was now late into the night.

He supposed that's what he earned for barely getting any sleep in the past three days.

Three long days had gone by since Isaac's kidnapping, and Derek had spent every waking and non waking hour dedicated to figuring out what happened. He had barely made contact with the pack or Stiles. Their absence was taking a toll on him, though he didn't like to admit it. Without someone to anchor him, Derek was losing his mind.

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