Chapter 29

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edited: 5/14/20

edited: 9/5/23

"How was I?"

Tendrils of steam fled the open door as Stiles exited the bathroom.

His chest was bare and a towel hung loosely along his waist. His hips made the illusion of protruding forward as the boy used a rag to dry his dripping hair. Derek should have laughed at the sight of Stiles jostling himself like a wet dog, but something clicked into place at seeing him like this, like normal. As much as Derek had been entranced with the picture of sensuality Stiles had painted for The Alpha Pack, there was something about the idiot in front of him that made his heart ache in all the best ways.

Derek finished ripping off the tie that had sat like a stifling collar around his neck before moving to Stiles. The Alpha wrapped his hands around the boy's waist, skin dewy beneath his touch. Derek pulled Stiles in close, burying his nose in brunette hair. He breathed in deep, appreciating the way Stiles smelled like him.

Stiles wrapped his arms around Derek's neck and laid his head on the man's chest.

"You were perfect," Derek admitted.

The Alpha started to rock from side to side, as if an invisible tune had gotten stuck in his head. He was pleased when Stiles began to sway as well.

"Do you think they'll help us?" Stiles asked quietly, as if saying the words any louder would be inviting trouble.

After the shock of Stiles's initial entrance had begun to fade, and The Alpha's accepted him as satisfactory payment, the real hurdle began.

Derek had trained Stiles on how to act and what to say for hours before the meeting, yet seeing Stiles take charge had been captivating.

Stiles had grown up in a world completely different from Dereks. Where Derek had been raised on the horror stories of the people who had filled the chairs in his mother's office, Stiles had never known the true brutality that lay just under the surface of each Alpha. Derek had tried to explain exactly who Stiles would be dealing with when the boy had vocalized his idea, but Stiles had not budged.

Even when Derek dredged up tales of The Alphas he had been told as a child, Stiles's resolve hadn't wavered.

Derek wouldn't deny trying to scare Stiles out of his decision whether it was selfish or not. In that room, Derek had been forced to suppress that absolute terror that shredded him at seeing The Alphas assess Stiles. They had read Stiles's every move, already opening a mental portfolio on who and what he was.

There were times Derek's heart had all but leapt out of his chest at the jabs Stiles had made.

But as much as Derek had tried, Stiles wasn't afraid of The Alphas. He would never be wary of them in a way Derek would always be.

Stiles had been a force of nature. He had been unbothered as he pushed The Alphas, unshrinking when bargaining and threatening them.

He acted untouchable, and therefore he was. He knew that Derek would shoot down any one of them who raised a finger to harm him. He was right of course, and Derek was proud that Stiles knew he would always protect him. The problem came the day Derek found himself outnumbered and outwitted. That day could have very well been today.

Derek forced the unpleasant thoughts from his mind, and chose his next words carefully.

"I think that whatever The Alphas decide, whoever they choose to side with, you could not have done your job any better. You had them by the skin of their necks, Stiles. You were brilliant," Derek said.

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