Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 finally done, hey we said we would post on Wednesday we didn't say which Wednesday

Comments and votes always appreciated

All the love- Anna and Casey

edited: 5/12/20

edited: 6/19/23 (new dialogue added)

Sweat dripped down Derek's face, stinging his eyes, but he hardly noticed the discomfort.

The Alpha was in the training room sparring with Boyd.

The man was one of Derek's favorite pack members to practice with because their skill set was the most similar. Boyd was built like a rock and proficient in strategy. Derek's punches barely moved him, and the Alpha was forced to get creative if he wanted to win.

Victory against Boyd was never guaranteed, but today was different.

This wasn't a friendly match between family; this was a fight.

As soon as the first punch had been thrown, Derek had let all his pent up energy drive his actions. He landed hit after hit, refusing to stop the onslaught.

It was over quickly.

Boyd had not expected the ferocious nature of Derek's intent, and was caught off guard when the fight bore down on him like an omnipresent storm cloud. Derek watched Boyd's will falter as he accepted defeat; the Alpha doubled his efforts. Derek kicked Boyd in the chest, knocking him off balance. Boyd doubled back, but couldn't regain ground. He thumped down on the mat, belly up.

Derek had won.

"Hell, Derek," Boyd said, panting and aggrieved, "next time remind me not to spar with you if you're in one of your moods."

Collecting his strength, Boyd rolled himself up from the floor. Annoyance pinched the man's features as he brushed himself off.

For a moment, Derek had the strangest compulsion. Unconsciously, he clenched his hands as Boyd stood back up. Derek wanted to hit him again. He wanted to force the man back down to the floor, he wanted to teach Stiles his place...

Blood drained from Derek's face, and he backed away from his opponent in case he did something he most definitely would regret.

Derek hadn't meant that, he didn't want to hurt Stiles or Boyd. Right?

The Alpha rubbed a hand over his eyes, aiming for nonchalance, but it was too late. Boyd was approaching him warily.

"Derek, are you alright?"

Boyd took a tentative step towards his leader, and held a hand out for Derek to grab. Part of the Alpha wanted to take it, he needed to feel the solid grip of his friend. The other part wouldn't let him succumb to any weakness, even in front of family.

Derek blinked a couple times, trying to force himself back to reality.

"I'm fine," he finally muttered.

Boyd's outstretched arm fell.

Derek turned away from his pack mate and exited the ring. He started to unwrap his fists as he made his way to get water, but couldn't undo the knot. His hands were shaking.

Derek's frustration was escalating, but before he could lash out, Erica was there. He had forgotten that she was in the room when the fight had started, and couldn't find it in himself to be irritated by her presence.

Erica grabbed his hands with her own, Derek had never before noticed how his fingers dwarfed hers in comparison.

He was startled by her small stature; he had always thought of her as standing tall like the most confident, deep rooted tree. He had been selfish enough to never consider how easily it might be for someone to cut her down.

Expertly, she started undoing the knots. Cloth fell in perfect strands to the floor.

"What's wrong?" Erica asked.

She was persistent; Derek wouldn't be able to bullshit his way around this. Erica was a strong presence in their isolated community. She wasn't going to let this go, even as she knew Derek wasn't going to make this easy on her.

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