Chapter 28

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edited: 5/14/20

edited: 9/5/23

The door had been left open for him.

Derek blew a harsh breath out his nose as he made last minute adjustments to the cuff links on his black suit. His heart was jackhammering in his chest. He knew the cost of what he was about to do. He knew that this had been the better option when forced to choose between a rock and a hard place. He knew that this was for the good of his pack. It didn't make it any easier to deal with.

The Alpha Pack was through that door.

It had taken a few days of extended debating to agree on a time to meet, but The Alpha's had been willing to meet with him again. Derek was taking it as a good sign. He needed it to be a good sign.

The hallway seemed to narrow the closer Derek got to the door, as if dragging out every step he made. His feet had been replaced with cinder blocks and it took everything in him not to turn around and stop the inevitability that awaited him if he made it to the other side.

Sacrifices. He had told Allison that sacrifices were a necessary evil in times like this. He hadn't realized the true impact of his words until he was now forced to lay his still beating heart down on a platter for The Alpha's to tear into.

Derek wished he could listen to the warning that was screaming in his head, but knew he had no choice but to continue with the plan.

Derek was ready this time around, ready in a way he hadn't been before. He was a sharpened blade, dangerous. A silver watch decorated his wrist, a holster adorned his hips, a wayward smirk dressed his lips. Last time, Derek had tried to assimilate himself into The Alpha's particular brand of creature. He had kept his words edged, but only enough so that they knew they could not walk all over him. He had asserted himself, but not enough that any of The Alphas felt threatened at his presence. He had held his ground, but had been willing to roll over if it benefited his endgame.

The last time he had met with The Alphas he had reigned in his ego and arrogance, hoping to appeal to his guests' humane side. This time he knew better than to assume they had one.

Derek was an Alpha, too, and it was about damn time he was recognized as one. No more would he belittle himself to gain their favor, no more would he try to convince them he was one of them. He was not one of them, he would never be one of them.

He was more.

He was stronger, smarter, better then they could ever hope to be. Despite the hold The Alphas had, it wasn't the same in the way Derek's name struck fear, hard and true into anyone who heard it.

He was the boogeyman parents used to scare their children into obedience. He was the monster with the claws that struck true. He was the wolf they heard howling at the moon. He was more dangerous than The Alpha's could ever hope to be.

He was a leader, a strong one.

That was what Derek had to convey today, that was his role. Though he asked for their help, he wasn't weak. He would never be weak, and God help anyone who thought differently. Derek was the one, true Alpha, and he was done pretending otherwise.

The heel of his shoe hit home against the wood floor. The Alpha's had been waiting for him. Their eyes zeroed in on him at the same time, as if they were all separate moving parts in one formidable, well oiled machine.

Where before he might have diminished his presence and apologized for his tardiness, Derek stood with his hands tucked into his pockets. He didn't have to try to emit his superiority, it radiated off him regardless.

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