Chapter 14

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Sorry for the crazy uploading schedule and know that this is just a filler chapter thats needed to get to the bugger stuff

edited: 5/13/20

edited: 6/25/23

The next morning Stiles awoke with his head buried in a warm, strong chest. He snuggled further into his pillow, knowing exactly who he was laying on. For once, there wasn't a conflicted bone in his body. Stiles smiled when he felt Derek's arms encircle and pull him closer into the tight embrace.

The Alpha was awake, too.

"G'morning," Derek grumbled against the top of Stiles's head. The boy nipped at the man's shoulder as his own form of hello.

A kiss on the cheek was Stiles's answer.

Derek's soft lips would have felt nice if not for the man's morning scruff scratching against Stiles's sensitive skin. The boy couldn't help but yip at the prickly points of contact along his jaw.

Derek immediately froze.

"What was that?" he asked.

A handsome, yet mischievous, smile lit his face.

"Absolutely nothing," Stiles insisted, trying to push away from the scheming man next to him.

But it was too late, the Alpha had him trapped.

"Derek.." Stiles warned, trying to postpone the inevitable.

Before another protest could escape him, a pair of hands grabbed his own and a set of knees pinned Stiles to the bed.

With a sense of dread, Stiles realized what the bastard was about to inflict on him. Using all his effort, the boy bucked and squirmed trying to dislodge Derek from his body, but there was nothing he could do.

Not one to waste time, Derek bent his head and started rubbing his scraggly beard all over Stiles's face. The boy screeched and shivered at the sensation that tickled his nerves.

"'re mean...stop it," Stiles let out cries of protest in between laughing.

Derek, too, was enraptured by a childlike joy. He looked younger when he smiled.

Stiles tried pulling his head away to no avail. His wriggling just gave Derek more room to work.
Which led Stiles's screeches to turn into moans. Both men halted.

Derek had bit Stiles's neck.

Stiles could feel the change in the atmosphere the second it shifted.

Derek was quick to work out what had caused the change.

Stiles almost rolled his eyes at the unfairness of it all. The fucker wasn't even trying. Before Stiles could redeem himself, Derek bit him again. Stiles moaned loudly.

"You like that? Like when I mark you?"

That asshole. Stiles knew he was getting hard in his boxers, and had no doubt that Derek felt it too.

The next time the Alpha sank his teeth into Stiles it was rougher, with a different intent than the others. Stiles arched off the bed, his neck begging to have that mouth on it again.

"Beautiful, Stiles. You're beautiful."

Stiles was torn between the need to preen at the compliment and hide his face away, never to be seen again. He wanted to deny the way Derek's praise did things to him, but he would be lying if he said otherwise.

Nonetheless, Stiles felt his cheeks heating up. He ripped his hands out of Derek's loose hold so he could cover his face. The Alpha wasn't having it.

Immediately, Derek was on him, snatching his arms away, and growling in his ear. The tone sent a delightful shiver down Stiles's spine.

"Don't hide. I want to see you."

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