Chapter 22

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This is purely smut, thx for reading

edited: 5/13/20

edited: 8/16/23

Stiles's body was swathed by the soft, familiar sheets of the bed he had found sleep in time and time again.

It was a comfort, but it was the only one he was permitted.

Derek towered over Stiles. His eyes were dark swirling pits of night, hypnotizing Stiles into laying docile and willing. Stiles had only been allowed to rid Derek of his shirt before the Alpha was on him.

The man's muscles burst from beneath his taut skin as Derek's hands worked on restraining Stiles's wrists.

The only reason Stiles was writhing in the hold instead of laying obediently was because of the marks being carved into his skin. Mottled bruises lay heavily on Stiles's throat from Derek's mouth.

The man was a beast.

Razor teeth sunk into Stiles's skin over and over until the boy was crying out from oversensitivity and pleasure.

Already he knew what the imprints would look like against the blank canvas that was his body. His pale, freckled skin would look like a vampire had sunk its fangs into him.

Or a ravenous wolf.

Stiles's frame trembled.

The boy was pulled out of his dark imagination due to the sudden sting of a bite that crossed the line of pleasure pain.

"Derek," cried Stiles.

He didn't know if he was protesting the rough treatment or if he was pleading for it to continue. The choice ultimately came down to Derek as Stiles would always let it.

"Pay attention," Derek said, pulling away from Stiles's neck to reprimand him.

Of course the Alpha had noticed Stiles's eyes rolling to the back of his head as he lost himself in Derek's touch. Of course the Alpha had noticed the moment Stiles got swept away in the sensation of it all. Of course the Alpha wouldn't let it stay that way.

Under different circumstances Derek would gladly let his boy slip away from the intensity he was enduring, going as far as to take pride in it.

But this wasn't supposed to be easy pleasure. Stiles wasn't supposed to fall into its simplicity. This was supposed to hurt. This was about Derek showing Stiles the extent of his poor decisions. Stiles had pushed Derek to insanity, it was only fair he returned the favor.

"You don't get to lose yourself in this. You don't get to lose yourself when I am tethered, indefinitely, to the present and the hell you've made it."

Derek didn't give Stiles time to respond as he swept over the boy's body and bit, this time at the beginning of Stiles's left pectoral. It was telling that the Alpha latched on right where Stiles's beating heart lay, pounding beneath layers of skin.

As if a mimic of the pain Stiles had put Derek through.

If they were different people the gesture could be seen as manipulative, not to say they escaped the accusation completely. But Stiles understood the physical acts were the only way Derek could express what had taken control of his mind and was breaking it apart.

"I'm sorry," Stiles said.

He squirmed due to the ticklish skim of Derek's hands along his flank.

"Sorry isn't good enough," Derek said, his words searing Stiles's brain until he was certain the man had left a permanent scar.

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