How you met

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Tony Stark: 

You sighed stepping out the warm shower and wrapped the thin towel around your body. Grabbing your now clean maid uniform and flopped down in your bed still in your towel right after hanging it up. You dozed off into a small nap until you heard your name being shouted.
"(Y/N!)" You heard the fourth eldest yell. You groaned rolling out your bed and opening your door. "YEAH! I'M UP. WAKE THE REST OF THE KIDS UP." You yelled back at one of your sisters, Aeshia. She was the most responsible one in your opinion. You didn't hear an answer back so you knew she was working on the second oldest, Ryan. There were six in the family. You, Ryan, Colin, Aeshia, Akira, and Jalon. You're parents had died leaving you to be the guardian of five children. Life was a bit hard for you. You pulled on matching lacy undergarments. You pulled on a black pencil skirt with a light blue baggy blouse and black pump heels. You quickly pulled your (H/C) into a bun and put on light makeup to cover your bags and make your eyes and cheeks pop more. Once content you ran down the stairs as fast as you could and saw everyone in the kitchen ready for school. You smiled and walked up to Aeshia giving her forehead a quick peck. "Thank you so much." You said rubbing her head and quickly turned around to Jalon. "Hey baby." You cooed picking the two year old up, "you all ready for day care?" You said with a smile and sat him down to make lunch for your siblings. Once done you put it on the counter, "Alright, I want all of ya'll to be at school. Here's your lunch. Have a good day, love you!" You said hugging each sibling before leaving the house to Stark Towers for your day job. It wasn't that long of walk but it was still a walk which was too much for you. Once there you saw Lisa about to leave. "Good luck today." She said and you just nodded, slightly confused. You sat down at the front desk and started checking for any emails, just doing stuff that front desk people do. 
"So why are you working here?" You heard a voice and you just slowly looked up shocked to see the one and only Tony Stark. 

"Because you hired me sir." You said with a monotone voice. 
"And why should I keep it that way?" He questioned making you furrow eyebrows. What's with all the questions. Is this a test? You thought to yourself. 
"Because if you don't, you'd be losing one of your best secretary's and not only that you'd be the reason that five children would be suffering." You said with your hands folded together with a straight face, holding eye contact. 
On the outside you looked confident and brave, but on the inside you were scared shitless. You could feel the anxiety start to creep up until you saw him break a smile. 
"Good, good. I have an offer for you. Call me tonight." He said with a wink while sliding you a card with his name and personal cell phone number on it. He walked away leaving you stunned and too shocked to move. You didn't know how to feel. You knew his reputation, he could be playing you. You shrugged it off just placing the card in your bra. 

Steve Rogers: 

You were content with your day so far. All your kids in the history class had passed the quiz today. You were a history teacher for high school, which was almost stressful for you. You packed your bag and headed towards your favorite library hoping to read the new arrival of the history book. It was the secrets of WWII. You walked in the library sighing in content with a smile on your face. You always loved the warmth and smell of the library. You saw the old librarian at the desk who just smiled and nodded at you and you did the same. You walked over to the history section but frowned on you realized it was at the top shelf. You were pretty short. You shimmied up your skinny jeans as if you were getting ready for this work out. You walked up and stood on your very tip toes and even giving a small jump, but your fingers grazed the back bone of the book. You pouted, about ready to give up when a hand reached up and grabbed it for you. Your eyes widened and you looked at an tall guy who could be a God. 
"Oh, um. thank you." You said with a smile when he handed it to you and you gingerly grabbed it. 
"It was no problem ma'am. Looked like you were having some trouble." He said and you blushed at the ma'am part. 
"Yeah, short people problems." You said with a tight lipped smile. 
"My name's Steve." He said with his hand out. 
"(Y/N)" You said with a bigger smile while holding your hand out to him as well. You just couldn't believe a guy this hot was talking to you. 
Steve grabbed your hand but placed a small kiss on your knuckles, "lovely to meet you." He said with a wink and you just blushed even harder. 

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