You're turned into a baby

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"What do you think this does?" Tony asked Bruce with a sly smirk. 
"No Tony, this isn't the time to be playing around with chemicals. 
"Oh, come on. Just a little." He said and Bruce sighed.
Even though Tony was already putting the two chemicals together Bruce still kept his protest going. 
"There all done." Tony said with a smile, "now lets see what it can do." He said with a smirk and Bruce just groaned shaking his head. 
Moments later they sat behind a protection wall ready to see what it does. 
"In three... two.." 
"Hey Tony, you paged." You said walking in and Bruce gasped seeing that you were in the way of the experiment. 

"(y/n) no!" 
"That was a fucking hour ago." Tony and Bruce said at the same time but it was too late. 

The chemicals had dropped and sparks and clouds had covered your vision. 

Steve Rogers: 

"I think you should get Steve...." Bruce muttered walking over to his desk. 
"Because I think Steve would like to know that you turned his girlfriend to an infant." Bruce snapped and Tony held his hands up in surrender.
"So what your telling me is that you don't have a solution to fix this?" Steve asked Tony and he nodded. 
"You're lucky I'm holding her..." Steve trailed off looking at your now sleeping figure. 
You were the size of his hand and Steve couldn't get over how tiny you were. It was just so adorable. 
"When she's back to normal she's going to kill you Tony." He said and Tony shrugged. 
"I figured."
Steve felt you stir around in his arms and you woke up crying.
"Oh no. What do I do? I never held a child... in fact I don't have any children experience." He said with wide panic eyes.

Tony just shrugged, "your problem now."


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"I'm not good with children." Bucky stated holding the one year old child arms length away from him. Bucky was tight and rigid with the way he was holding you, he looked almost awkward. Both his hands were held lightly under your underarms, making sure he didn't hurt you but the rest of his body was tense. You were small compared in Bucky hands and he was afraid with one wrong movement he would break something. 

Even though he had to admit you were cute. With your fluffy (h/c) hair that hung right to the base of your neck, your chubby cheeks and your large full (e/c) eyes were full of wonder. 
And even though you were cute, you were a crying mess. Fresh hot tears rolled down your face and your scream was tiny but still loud. 
"And neither am I." Tony shrugged and Bucky shot him a look.
"So why do I have her?" 
"Oh I don't know... maybe because you're her boyfriend. Take care of her!" He said and Bucky shot him another glare.
"Well why is she crying? I don't even know how to stop her from crying." He said and Bruce stepped in.
"She's like one... so she's probably teething." Bruce said.
"What?" Bucky asked in pure confusion. 
"God, you really don't know anything about children." Tony sighed.
"Teething is the process when the primary teeth are coming through her gums... so it's very painful for her." He said and Bucky still looked confused. 
"Just give her something cold to chew on... and stop holding her like that it's only going to make her cry more." Bruce said and Bucky adjusted you so now you were being held to his chest. His right arm under your bum, and his left arm supporting your back. 

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