They Realize they love you

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Tony Stark: 

Tony realized he loved you when you first genuinely smiled at him. The way you looked into his eyes made him crazy for you. 

Steve Rogers: 

He realized that day you came home looking like you had a rough day he loved you. Since you had a rough day he was going to ask you about your day, but you had beat him to it, asking him how his day was. 

Peter Parker: 

You and Peter always jokingly fought. The day he realized he loved you was during those playful fights. At the end of the fight the both of you had busted out laughing. You had laughed so hard that you fell of your bed and when Peter saw that you were still laughing on the floor, he knew that he loved you. 

Peter Quill: 

You and Peter were hanging out when suddenly you kissed him out of no where. It was then he realized he loved you. 

Bucky Barnes: 

You and Bucky were making breakfast together in the kitchen. He took one glance at you putting together the food and he just couldn't stop staring at you. He couldn't explain it, but he loved you.


He realized he loved you when you came home from one of the villages you visited. You couldn't stop talking about it. You couldn't stop talking about how much you loved it and how nice the people were. 


You were playing with your son with the TV on while Natasha was watching you more than she watching the TV.  She was watching you interacting with your son when it hit her, she loved you. She couldn't wait to have a family of her own one day with you. 


You were sleeping with Wanda. Your arms around her. She couldn't get to sleep but she just enjoyed laying in bed with you. That's when she realized she loved you and that no matter what she wanted to be with you. 


You didn't know what it was but Pietro was happy about something and you listened and looked at him the whole time. When Pietro looked at you he saw the look on your face, that you were proud of him. The look on your face was all it took for him to fall in love with you. 


You were sharing ideas with Thor about new plants you wanted work with. The whole time you were talking Thor just took all your features in. He took in how your eyes sparkled when you talked about something that you loved. He realized that he loved you. 


When Loki was having trouble with himself, that he felt like it was him against the world, you were right there for him. The whole entire way. That moment Loki felt that he was so lucky to have you and that he loved you. 

Stephen Strange: 

Something had been bothering Stephen and you let him vent it out to you. When he looked over at you he saw the look of understanding and total interest in what he was saying. He realized that he was lucky to have you and that he loved you. 


You and Vision were playing board games, video games and watching Netflix on a Friday night when Vision looked at you and though, "god I love this woman." 


Bruce walked into his lab, grabbing his lab coat. He stopped for a minute recognizing your smell on his coat. He smiled to himself loving that your scent was on his stuff. He realized then he loved you. 


It was night and Serena would not go to sleep. You were determined to get her to sleep, even if that meant reading her silly kid books for hours. At some point Wade walked by and saw you reading to her. He realized he loved you looking at you take care of your daughter. 

Scott Lang: 

You, Scott and Cassie were having dinner that you prepared. Scott watched you as you laughed at something Cassie said with a small smile on his face. He realized he loved you because he was excited for what the future had for the both of you. 

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