You make up (3)

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You missed T'challa like crazy but you told yourself being back in your hometown is like the same as staying in Wakanda, you weren't seeing him. You were eating breakfast when your mom walked into the kitchen. 
"(y/n). Someone is here to see you." Your mom said and you nodded telling her to let them in. A couple seconds later T'challa walked into your kitchen. 
"T'challa what a surprise.." You said while he sat down. 
"What are you doing here?" You asked. 
"I came to talk about us." He said and you sighed. 
"T'challa, I thought it was clear in the letter. It probably would of never worked out. You were always out doing your stuff and I was always out doing my stuff. Our schedule never matched." You said standing up, grabbing your plate to wash it. 
"You still love me, yes?" He asked and you froze in your spot. 
"Yeah.." You whispered and you felt T'challa behind you. 
"Just come back, I'll work some things out so we can spend more time together." He said while massaging your shoulders. 
"You would do that?" You asked, leaning into his hands. 
"Anything for you love." He said and you smiled.
"Okay. I'll come home" 

Stephen Strange:

You were furious that Stephen would say stuff like that to you. It's  been at least a week since you last seen him. You were hoping he would come back and apologize because you were really missing him. As if he heard your thoughts, a gold circle appeared and out came Stephen. 
Your eye widened seeing him. 
"(y/n)," Stephen said walking towards you and pulled you in tightly into his chest. 
"I'm sorry. I let my ego get in my way." He said and you just nodded. 
"Can you forgive me." He asked giving you a begging look. 
You smirked at him, "mm, maybe." you said messing with him but he frowned. 
"If I get a kiss." You said and Stephen smiled kissing your lips. 


You and Vision kept in touch after he went off with Wanda, but you noticed something was off about him. One day you decided to ask him about it and it was like he broke down. 
"I can't do this (y/n). I thought I like Wanda, but I didn't. You're the only one for me." Vision said, looking distressed. 
"I uh. Wow Vis. I really don't know what to say." You nervously said while looking down at your hands. 
"You can start with how you feel about me." He softly said. 
"I still like you, and I want to be with you." You saw really fast and Vision smiled. 
"Yeah me too." 

Bruce Banner: 

It's been two months since you seen Bruce. Tony had left leaving you alone... well you thought you were alone. You walked into the kitchen on your floor and you were shocked to see Bruce in your kitchen. 
"Bruce." You said rubbing your arms, "what are doing here. I think there's other questions." 
"Yeah, but I like this one better." He said with a small smile. 
"Really? What makes this on better?" You said cracking a smile.
"It has you in it." He said making you giggle.
"You're so cheesy Bruce. What are you actually doing here though?" 
"I made a mistake."
" I shouldn't have broken up with you. I thought I would be better off, keeping you safe... but lately I've been feeling the other guy even more angry." He explained. 
"So what are you saying?" You asked with a small smile on your face. 
"I need you (y/n). I need you in my life. I'm sorry for ever thinking that I would be better with out you." Bruce said making you smile. 
"I agree. I need you in my life as well." You said making Bruce smile. 

Wade Wilson: 

It's been almost a year since you last seen or talked to Wilson. You were at work when you spotted Wade watching you. You frowned before walking over to him. 
"What are you doing here?" You asked.  
"I came to talk to you." He nervously said stuffing his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. You eyes him suspiciously before nodding your head towards a private area.
"Go on." You said once you reached the destination. 
"I'm sorry." 
"For what?"
"For leaving... and hurting you like that, I didn't know what I was thinking when I broke up with you." He said making you frown. 
"Yeah, Serena misses you too." You awkwardly said, not knowing what to say to his previous statement. 
"I miss you, a lot." He said and you nodded. 
"Me too." 
"Do you want to maybe, go out to dinner after your shift." 
"Yeah, but would you look at that. My shift just ended."

 Scott Lang: 

You were at work when your phone started ringing. It was unknown number, but you answered it anyway. 
"Hello?" You asked. 
"(Y/N), it's me. Scott." Your eyes widened when you heard his voice. You didn't go see him or anything for a month.
"Scott, how are you calling me?" You asked confused. You knew for his house arrest, he wasn't allowed to have a phone.
"I wanted to apologize. You were right, I should of at least told you where I was going. I'm sorry I missed our first anniversary as well. I knew how important it is and I'm so stupid that I'm missed. Just come over and let me make it up to you." He pleaded making you smile. 
"I'm sorry as well Scott. Maybe I shouldn't have over reacted. I'll come over after my shift. Any one who calls me while on house arrest shows me that they care that much. Thank you Scott." You said. 
You heard Scott laugh on the other line, "it wasn't that hard to do. I'll see you soon?" 
"Yeah, see you soon." 

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