How you cuddle

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  Tony Stark: 

Tony loves to cuddle. You two face each other while his arms are around your waist and comfortably rest on your butt, you curl up your fist around his t-shirt and pull yourself closer to him. He's usually in his regular t-shirt and just boxers and you just have one of his large t-shirts on. 

Steve Rogers:

You love to cuddle with Steve since he's so muscly. You would think that cuddling with Steve would be hard because he just like a big teddy bear. He has one of his arms wrapped tightly around your waist while the both of you face each other. Your head is underneath his chin so he can occasionally kiss your forehead. 

Bruce Banner:  

He doesn't really like to cuddle because he's too afraid to hurt you. But you're okay with that because you're not that big on affection. When you do cuddle, the both of you love it. It's a playful cuddle though. He lays on his back while you crawl up so you're eye level with him. He just laughs and grabs you by the waist tickling you. 


Thor is like a big teddy bear that you find at Walmart and cuddle with in your bed. He's so big, that your whole body can fit on top of his. So when the both of you cuddle he lays on his back and you lay on top of his chest curled up in a little ball while one hand is around your mid waist and the other hand is stroking your hair. You usually just stroke his bare skin and leave small pecks across his chest while he chuckles at the feeling. 


Loki likes to think he's not big on cuddling but you know deep down he is a cuddle bug. When people are around you, he doesn't even so much hold your hand or anything, which you were fine with. But when you two were alone he would coddle up to you like he hasn't seen you in months. You would always be sitting and he would come up to you and hug your waist and lay his head on your lap while you play with his hair.

Peter Parker:

Peter is super clingy when it comes cuddles. You don't blame him though, nor do you mind. You actually love to cuddle with Peter because he makes sure your super comfortable. You usually lie on your back while he lays his head on your chest, with his arms around your waist. While he cuddles up on you, you usually just wrap your legs around his and play with his hair and sometimes place a kiss on his hair.


At first Natasha wasn't so keen on the idea of cuddling but you some how convinced her . The both of you usually spoon. You being the little spoon and you the big spoon. It doesn't happen often due to the face that she's away most of the time on missions and you have night shifts at the hospital.

Doctor Strange: 

The both of you don't like to cuddle much unless of you guys got hurt. When he got hurt you would immediately heal his wound and bring his head to your chest and he would just chuckle, wrapping his arms around your torso and you would stroke his hair back and place a kiss on his forehead. 


Logan is a tough guy, even on the inside. He doesn't like to cuddle at all. The only other times he would cuddle you is when you were upset because it was rare for you and he hated seeing you upset. When you were he would pull into his lap and you would simply curl up and wrap your arms around his neck tightly. You honestly loved to cuddle with him though because he was always so gentle and caring with you when you needed him the most.


Clint doesn't like cuddles at all. He usually would just wrap an arm around your waist and place a ginger kiss on your temple to show his affection. You didn't mind though, you were that type of girl who was tough, but who still needed love and that's what he did. 


He was scared to hurt you with his metal arm and all so you convinced him that you loved his metal arm. It took time, but you somehow managed. You have one leg crossed across his lower half and your arm draped across his chest. His metal arm was wrapped securely around your waist and his other around your shoulders while he soothed back your hair.

Wade Wilson: 

Wade loved to cuddle with you. He was super clingy but you didn't mind. He would always come up to you when you were't expecting and wrap his arms tightly around your waist and you would grab his hands and lean your head against his shoulder with a content smile on your face. 

Pietro Maximoff:

He loved cuddling with you and you loved cuddling with him. He hugs you super tight, afraid to let you go, afraid that you would slip through his fingers. You'd have both your legs wrapped around his waist and he would tightly wrap his arms around your torso. Sometimes too tight and you would tap his shoulder lightly as in mercy and he would loosen up with a chuckle. 

Johnny Blaze: 

He never really liked cuddles, but you were so it was a bit difficult for the both of you. You knew that he didn't like cuddles, but you didn't care. So you would just run and jump in his lap and wrap your arms tightly around his neck whispering, "I want cuddles." 
Johnny would just groan but comply because it's for you. When he get's annoyed with this he would lay you down on your back and put all his weight, trying to crush you so you can let go. 

Wanda Maximoff: 

Wanda loved cuddles with you. On the outside you don't like cuddles, but Wanda knows that deep down you love cuddles. The only time the both of you would cuddle is watching TV. Wanda would basically sit on your lap and her head would go on your shoulder while your hand rubbed her hair. 


The both of you love to cuddle. Since you were 'normal' as you would say compared to him and all his other friends, he was very protective. He was always out a lot doing his kingly duties and you were always at school, you barely got to see each other. When you did the both of you would cuddle all the time. You would be lying on the couch watching TV when T'challa would slide in behind you and tightly wrap his strong arms around your waist and pull you in closer into his chest. You would smile at this act and place your hands on top of his and he would place a gentle kiss on your ear. 

Peter Quill:

You loved to baby Peter and he was okay with that. You would lay on your back and he would lay his head on your chest listening to your heartbeat. He would wrap his arms around your torso and one of your arms would be wrapped around his shoulders and your other arm would be around his head while playing with his light brown wavy hair. 

Danny Rand:

The two of you face each other. Just talking at some points about anything really. When you talk the both of you would have your hands entwined and once the both of you have done sharing you would burrow your face into his neck and he would wrap his arm around your waist and somehow your legs would tangle together. 

Scott Lang: 

The two of you would be facing each other. Your head buried into the crook of his neck and his arms would be wrapped around his waist. Your hands you be tightly balled up in a fist with his t-shirt in your hands. His chin would rest on top of your head and from time to time he would kiss the top of your head. 

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