⑥Stoll My Heart ((Connor Stoll x Reader))

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When you first met Connor, you thought you hated him.

"Hey, (sibling's name)! Have you seen my purse?!" You shouted throwing blankets around.

"No, ____, I haven't! And quit yelling! I'm right here!" (Sibling's name) yelled into your ear.

You decided to go look around outside. On the ground in front of your cabin, you saw a piece of paper. It looked like one out of your mini journal.

You saw a trail of paper scraps, gum packets, and ChapStick, all leading to a boy leaning against a tree. Unfortunately, you knew him, like everyone at camp did. Connor Stoll.

All you paid attention to was the black purse swinging from his fingers.

"Hey. Looking for something, ____?" He asked.

You glared, and snatched the purse off of his fingers. "Yeah, you jerk! I found it, no thanks to you!" You turned to whirl away, but he grabbed your arm.

"Hey, now. I'm Connor. And...I kinda..." He trailed off, muttering something unintelligible under his breath.

"I know who you are. Wait, what did you say?" You asked, ripping your arm away from him.

"I kinda..." He trailed off again, leaving you angrier than before.

"Come on! Spit it out!" You pleaded, wanting to know what was going on.

He didn't speak, but instead leaned in, and pressed his lips to yours. You did nothing, shocked into staying right there.

When he pulled away, you stood there, gazing up at him. You mapped out his features, his upturned nose, pointed ears, and that adorable grin. Then, you mentally slapped yourself, for thinking this about the boy you barely knew.

Now, it's a few years later, and you and him are dating. The only downside is that you sometimes get the blame for his pranks.


Anyone else see Connor doing something like this? Anyone? Anyone at all?

Demigod x Reader (One Shots) ::DISCONTINUED::Where stories live. Discover now