67) Fashion Statement (Lacy x Reader)

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For those of you that don't remember, Lacy is a daughter of Aphrodite.

This one is a girl demigod and reader. If you have a problem with same sex relationships, then bye bye.

Remember, we are all humans, we deserve respect. Just because you think it goes against your religion doesn't mean everyone feels the same way. Seriously, it's okay to be gay, or bi, or lesbian, or transgender , or asexual. It's okay to be a combination of things. And lastly, it's called Homo sapiens, not Hetero sapiens. *drops mic and struts away*

*shyly picks mic back up and blushes* After I began writing this, I added in a small section to choose your gender. This is in italics right above the clothes description. Thanks! *gently puts mic down and backs away slowly*

"Come on, ____," Lacy pleaded, clasping her hands. "If you don't, my sisters are going to do it to me. Please!"

You smiled, shaking your head slightly, "Only if you do it with me."


You let Lacy lead you to her cabin, but every step closer made you cringe.

Even though Lacy was your best friend (and crush), and Piper and Mitchell were okay to you, the Aphrodite kids were kinda...not your favorite.

They loved doing 'surprise' makeovers, which ended up in entire cabins stuck wearing "stylish" clothing for days on end.

When you two finally reached the dollhouse of a cabin, Drew and her crew were waiting. You reached out and fearfully gripped Lacy's hand, feeling relieved when she squeezed back.

"Come on in, ____, take a seat. We don't bite," Drew snickered, before muttering, "hard."

You didn't want to, but you felt the charmspeak doing its job, forcing you to walk inside. Lacy was pulled along; you refused to let go.

You and Lacy sat side by side, waiting for the torture you were so sure was coming.


After it was all said and done, Drew finally let you look in the mirror.


((If the reader is a female))

Your hair was (curled/straightened), falling over your shoulder. They had somehow gotten you into a (favorite color) dress, with matching (flats/heels). You looked over at Lacy, a huge smile on your face.

((If the reader is male))

You wore a simple button down shirt, clean jeans, and tennis shoes. Your hair was tame (for once), and you could smell the cologne in the air.


Lacy's hair was out of her normal pigtails, curled into little blonde ringlets. Her dress was deep burgundy, with little sparkle accents at the hem. You nearly laughed when you saw her shoes; Drew had got little shy Lacy to wear heels. Her height just now matched yours, normally, you stood inches above the slight daughter of Aphrodite.

Drew smiled at you, the fake sweetness nearly making you gag. "Now go enjoy your date, kiddos."

Lacy gave you a shy smile, offering her hand to you. "Will you go on a d-date with me, ____?"

A/N: Ah, nothing like the smile of a whore in the morning. *hangs head in shame* Sorry, Drew....

Anyway! Sorry for the rant up there before the story. This is just a topic I feel strongly about. Gay relationships are literally the best. There's no unplanned pregnancies, no adding to the surplus population, plus they're adorbs.

Anyway... Back on track... This was originally a Mitchell x Reader, but I got offtrack and wrote an Annabeth one, end decided to come back and change this one. So, there will definitely be more female demigod x reader ones in the future, because I love writing about same sex relationships.


Demigod x Reader (One Shots) ::DISCONTINUED::Where stories live. Discover now