56) Zombie (Nico x Reader)

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"What is your problem right now?" You yelled, swatting at your boyfriend Nico's hands. He was reaching towards you, growling and snapping.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just really bored." Nico murmured, shrugging and stopping.

"If you're that bored, shadowtravel to my cousin's house with me and we'll scare the sh*t out of him." You grinned, sitting up straight.

"Nope! Not going to your family's house! I don't want shot!" Nico's eyes widened, and he leaned back away from you.

"Please! He won't shoot you! We were just gonna pretend to be zombies and scare him..." You trailed off, realizing that most people go for guns in the event of zombies...

Demigod x Reader (One Shots) ::DISCONTINUED::Where stories live. Discover now