3 ~ Super-Detective Frisk

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You decide, as Detective Frisk, that the best place to start on your investigation is by asking how everyone met Sans and Papyrus, and seeing where that gets you.

Your first few inquiries don't yield much result. Toriel repeats to you the same story Sans told you in the MTT resort diner. Undyne tells you the story of how Papyrus waited all night outside her door, until she let him in. The only part of that story you didn't know was that Sans came a few days later to see why Undyne was teaching Papyrus to cook, rather than fight, only to agree with her after she explained she didn't want to hurt him. But that doesn't really surprise you, you know how much Sans thinks of his brother.

It's when you're talking to Alphys that things get interesting.

"W-well, I met Papyrus online he was asking about my c-color tile puzzle. A-and we kinda just kept talking after that."

You already knew this story. But what about Sans?

"Well, um, I f-found--" she cuts herself off.

"You found...?" You prompt her. This either means that the story of how she met Sans is embarrassing, and she's self-conscious about it...

Or something altogether more sinister. Dark. Dangerous. Something secret.

Alphys hesitates a little longer. Then, slowly, quietly, "I-... I found him in W-Waterfall a few years ago. He was unconscious, and it l-looked like he had taken quite a few p-powerful hits to the chest, with a l-largely energy based attack. A-and after I got him back to the lab, and he w-woke up, he k-knew who I was, before I had introduced myself."

"Maybe he saw you in a newspaper or something?"

Alphys shakes her head. "N-no. He was talking really weird, too. He thought we worked together, under the last Royal Scientist, but that's impossible, because I never even met him, and had never seen Sans before that, either..." She pauses a minute. "... W-we decided that he had been half-c-conscious when I was bringing him back to the lab, and created some sort of delusion."

That's interesting. Very, very interesting.

You say bye to Alphys and head home, writing a few more points in your notebook.

•A found S unconscious, hurt in Watfall. S thought he knew A, and last RS? Delusion?

When you get home, you consult with Flowey. You've decided, after all, that he's your sidekick.

Wait. Do detectives have sidekicks? Or is that more of a superhero thing? It sounds more like a superhero thing. But Sherlock Holmes has Dr. Watson. What's Dr. Watson? Well, he's a doctor, you know that. But is he Mr. Holmes' assistant? Or is he Mr. Holmes' doctor? Is he a doctor because he's Mr. Holmes assistant? Is Flowey a doctor now?!

No, you decide, that one's easy. Flowey is not a doctor. He'd be more likely to kill people than try to save them! So you guess that means Flowey is your sidekick. And, well, if sidekicks are more superhero things, then you can be a superhero-detective.

A super detective. Yeah, that sounds nice! Super Detective Frisk! That has a nice ring to it.

You tell Flowey. He just looks at you. "What does this have to do with Sans and Papyrus?"

"Well," you say, "you're my sidekick, but sidekicks are more of superhero things. So I'm a superhero-detective. A super detective!"

"What the heck, Frisk."

"Sidekick Flowey! Tell me, what do you think of this case?"

He keeps giving you that what-the-heck look. "I think it's stupid."

"Hmm. What about it?" You rub your chin, posing kinda dramatically.

"All of it. We shouldn't be poking around anything that has to do with Sans. He's freaky."

"An astute observation, Sidekick Flowey!" You say dramatically. "But one I believe you've already made. See? It's in my notes."

"S scares F. Something happened?" He reads out loud from the notebook. "He does not scare me! He's just a smiley trashbag!"


"He does not." Flowey pauses, then skims over the rest of your notes. "What's this about 'A found S unconscious'?"

You recognize the subject change for what it is, but don't point it out. Instead, you repeat Alphys's story.

Flowey frowns, but it's not so much the I-hate-everything frown he normally does, but a thoughtful frown. "That is strange."

"Yup. I wonder what happened. We should investigate."

"Yeah, it-" his expression switched back to the outraged one. "No, nonononono. Frisk, you are not getting me involved in this! I don't want anything to do with that smiley trashbag!"

But Flowey is curious, you can tell. He's always excited to see something new, and this is new for the both of you.

Besides. He is your sidekick. He'll follow you.

The last person on your list to ask is Asgore. You can guess at his story- he just met them when the Barrier was broken. After all, he's the king! Why would he go visit the skelebros?

But, a good detective is thorough, so you'll still go-

"Frisk!" Toriel's voice cuts through your planning. "Bedtime!"

"But Mo-om!" You protest, even though you know it's futile. Bedtime means bedtime, so you'll just have to go to Asgore tomorrow.



Frisk is an... imaginative child, to say the least.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! Comments and votes are my Favorite Things, and every notification I get makes my day!

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