28 ~ Hope Found

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You're starting to get really scared. Two days, and you haven't thought of anything, and-...

And Papyrus has barely moved.

Two days ago, Alphys moved Sans from the table to a hospital gurney, and now, Papyrus just lies there, hugging Sans to his chest. You've never seen him so despondent, and it's immensely worrying. Alphys has started checking in on Papyrus every so often to make sure he's not Falling Down, too.

You know you need to think of something fast.


But the only time you've ever seen Sans gain HOPE was when...

When you were building the machine!!

Ohh, yes, you've got it now!

Sans is only so devastated because the person he was going to save told him to stop!!



You grin and turn to run out the door.

Well screw Dr. Gaster!

You're gonna get Sans to build the machine anyway, and you're gonna prove Gaster wrong! You'll get Sans to hope!

In only minutes, you've run all the way back to Alphys's lab, and burst into the room where Sans and Papyrus are.

"Sans!" You shout.

Papyrus shifts a little to look at you, but Sans doesn't respond.

Oh... right... there is still the small matter of Sans being mostly dead and unconscious.



You've gotten this far, you can't give up now! You'll just have to get Papyrus to help you instead.

So you hurry over to the bed and climb up on it. "Papyrus! Get up!" You encourage. "We have work to do!"

"Frisk..." he just looks at you. He looks so pitiful.

You just grin at him. "Come on! We're gonna build the machine and get Sans to hope again!"

"But Frisk, Dr. Gaster said-"

You promptly interrupt. "Well Dr. Gaster is an idiot!" (You can almost imagine Flowey grinning.) "If he really cared about Sans, do you think he woulda done this?" You gesture to Sans, comatose. "But we'll prove him wrong! We'll build the machine, save him, and get Sans better! And do you know why?" You've started gesturing emphatically as you speak, grinning excitedly. "Because we're determined! We're determined to succeed and nothing can stop us!"

You can see it. The spark of determination, of HOPE in Papyrus's eyes.

Then that spark gutters out. "But-... But we're not scientists! We don't know how to build the machine...!"

"Noooooo," you start smiling, "but Dr. Gaster does! And he gave Sans a bunch of blueprints! So all we need to do is follow the instructions and fit the pieces together right!" You practically grin at Papyrus. "Just like one big puzzle!"

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