75 ~ Old Fury

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(A/N good music in the media section, if you want it)

Undyne, it seems, was horribly unprepared for this battle.

When Gaster suddenly lunges forward, spinning the fauchard in his grip, Undyne only just has the time to whip out her spear to block. Then Gaster is ducking low, sweeping her off her feet- the blade of the fauchard is Magic, and it appears Gaster is keeping it to HP damage only, so the blade doesn't cut Undyne, but the staff itself is still physical, and it knocks her legs out from under her. She slams into the ground and has only a second to roll to the side before Gaster is slamming the staff down where she had been- the blade would have cut nearly straight into her chest while the staff drove the wind out of her.

Gaster steps back a little, vicious, angry grin still on his face, and allows Undyne to climb to her feet. She's breathing hard, and looks a little rattled. But then she gives herself a shake, hefts her spear, and gives Gaster an equally vicious snarling smile. "Alright doctor! You caught me off guard, but it won't happen again!"

And then she sweeps her spear in a wide arc, and suddenly Gaster is enveloped in a green glow, his Soul bright against his chest.

His smile only widens, and his hands twitch slightly around the staff, sending ripples through the purple flame that envelopes it. "Try me."

And Undyne does. With a gesture, she sends spear after spear after spear shooting towards the Royal Scientist.

From your battles in the Underground, you know how Green Magic works. It doesn't totally inhibit movement, it just inhibits mobility- that is, you can move so long as you stay in the same spot.

So as a veritable wall of spears come at Gaster from all directions, he pivots on his heels, barely pausing for a moment, the fauchard carving glowing arcs around him as he smashes spear after spear out of the air.

And then Undyne's run out of spears, and the green aura around Gaster fades.

Gaster is lunging forward in an instant, nearly running Undyne through, had she not dodged at the last second.

His attempted stab failing, Gaster changes direction mid-motion, sweeping the fauchard sideways, slicing it into Undyne's side, the staff colliding with her ribs, sending her sprawling. Yet again, she manages to roll away just in time to avoid getting her chest crushed in.

Then she's on her feet again, trying to run Gaster through herself. Her spear is knocked aside, though, and were the blade of the fauchard physical, she might very well have lost her right arm in its arc.

She summons another spear, and lashes out, nearly catching Gaster across the chest but for that he leaped backward. Then he ducks, lunging forward, and she narrowly manages to plunge her spear downward to avoid being impaled.

For a minute they tussle, then finally, break apart. Undyne isn't smiling anymore.

Gaster is still grinning.

He starts forward. Undyne, crouched in a defensive position, takes a step back, spear raised. You can see her thinking, planning, calculating. She's taking this seriously, now.

You can't tell how Gaster's taking it. That grin is still on his face, unchanging. It's... scary. Viscerally terrifying. You can't tell what he's thinking. What he's planning. You can't tell anything about him. There's just that grin—

And then he's nearly right in front of Undyne, the fauchard twisting in his grip—

You hear Undyne let out a shout. She lurches backward. Hands flying to her face. Her eye—

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