83 ~ Tomatoes and Flowers

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It takes Gaster a while to get better. That's understandable, of course; his Soul was nearly sliced in half. But in the meantime, he's either completely passed out, or acting even more erratic than usual, due to whatever the drugs they're giving him are. After hearing a few stories of him almost burning down the house in some cataclysmic event, you decide to be wary of him for the time being.

But, by the end of April, he's more or less healed, and back in the lab.

Sans says he's obsessed with figuring out what went wrong. So, you decide to avoid the lab for a bit.

Instead, you go to see what Asgore is up to.

With the weather nice and spring in full-swing, Asgore is, unsurprisingly, in his garden. He's actually got several gardens for all variety of plants, both produce and flowers. You find him tending to his small plot of tomato plants, and surprisingly, Elise is there, too, blond hair back in a ponytail as usual, her blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight. Her belly's gotten pretty big by now, but Toriel told you that Elise told her that the due date for the baby is in June.

Regardless, the three of you spend quite a little while working in Asgore's garden. You don't know a whole lot about plants, except that they need water every day and a certain one will start screaming angrily if he doesn't get it, but Asgore says that's okay. He says he'll take care of all the digging and watering and weeding today, if you could just look for the tomato worms that would eat the leaves and tomatoes. He says his eyes aren't so sharp any more, and your young eyes are much better suited to the task.

You readily agree to help, of course. It's a beautiful day outside; it's warm, it's sunny, the sky is a brilliant blue with a few fluffy white clouds on the horizon, and the tomato plants have a nice, earthy smell that makes you feel happy inside. Really, though, all of it makes you happy.

When you've finished tending to the tomato plants, Asgore smiles at you and addresses Elise, and says, "Now, Toriel has invited me over to her and Frisk's house for some tea today, and I'm sure she would not mind the extra company. Would you like to come too, Elise?"

"Oh, yes please! I love visiting Toriel!" Elise gives a small smile, one hand settling on her large baby bump. "She's been giving me some very good mothering tips."

So, the three of you head over to your house. You didn't actually know that Toriel has invited Asgore over for tea, but, well, you're certainly not about to complain. You're happy Toriel and Asgore are getting back together.

For a while, you sit with the adults and drink tea. But after a bit you ask to be excused. They're all talking about adult-y stuff, and, honestly, tea has never really been your thing. Personally, you like hot chocolate much better.

So, you head upstairs to your room, where Flowey is sitting grumpily in his flower pot. "Well, Frisk?" He grouses. "Did you enjoy your nice day in the sun, outside, in the good weather, while I was stuck here in a flower pot?"

You pretend to not notice his jab at your lacking to bring him with you, and instead, smile sweetly at him. "I did enjoy it! It was very nice! Thanks for asking!"

He lets out an angry noise, waving his head back and forth on his stem before eventually flopping limply forward.

You just laugh, sitting down at your desk. "You know, it's your own fault you're trapped in here."

"How is this my fault you're keeping me stuck in a flower pot?"

You give him a look like it should be obvious- because, really, it should be obvious. "Flowey, since the Barrier was destroyed, you've tried three times to murder people for their Souls. People go to jail for attempted murder."

He lets out another frustrated noise. "But I'm not a people! I'm a flower!"

"You're also not in a jail, you're in a flower pot, with a friendly person taking care of you."

"But it's boooorrrrriiiinnnngg!!"

You give him another look. "Well, yeah. Jail is like time-out for adults and attempted murderers. It's meant to be boring."

"Uughhhhhhhh!" He groans. "Frisk, can't you just, I dunno, reset already, so I can forget this whole mundane existence and go back to being excited to see something new in the timelines again?"

"What," You retort, "and drag Sans and Papyrus and Toriel and Asgore and Undyne and Alphys all back too? And what about Gaster? What happens to him?"

That seems to give Flowey pause, and you get the feeling that if he had shoulders and a hand, they'd be hunched and rubbing at his chin, respectively. You hear him mutter something like, "Well, Gaster is the only interesting monster, since he's not afraid to antagonize people... I guess it'd be a shame to have never met him..."

"There you go," you say. "We both agree that I'm not resetting. I'm not that curious about Gaster to see what resetting does to him."

Flowey groans, defeated. "Can we at least do something interesting?"

You grin rather sharply. "Twenty questions! Go!"

Flowey groans more insistently. "Aaarghhh! Frisk, do we have to do this?"

"Yep!" You grin smugly. "Only nineteen questions left, better be careful!"

That prompts frustrated roar from the flower, but nonetheless, he participated in your game- but he doesn't manage to guess a thumbless cat in twenty questions, so you win, but Flowey is apparently determined to figure out what it is you're thinking of, so you change the game to unlimited questions, rather than just twenty.

Some time later, while Flowey continues failing at getting the answer, Elise comes in to say goodbye to you. Then, a few hours later, Flowey still not having arrived at the answer, you go to bed, content with the day's events.



Gonna be honest, I'm kinda going through some really rough stuff right now, and I dunno how things are gonna turn out. So, we'll see how long it is before I get the next chapter out...

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! Comments and votes are my Favorite Things, and every notification I get makes my day!

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