20 ~ Murder

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Another week passes, and you notice a change in Sans. He's fidgety, and he keeps glancing at the machine, as if he expects it to attack him.

"You're getting nervous, aren't you?"

He just nods. "bad things happened right about now."

"Is this when the Royal Scientist..."

Sans looks at you. "... no. not quite yet... but..." He hesitates.

"You don't have to tell me," you say quietly, "if you don't want to."

He nods, and doesn't tell you.

Just a few days later, you have the second half of the machine built: the time folding machine. Sans says he wants to test it separately from the space folding machine, to make sure it works on its own.

The test goes a lot like the space folding one- that is to say, it works just fine, and one moment the camera device is in one spot, and then it's in another. Sans even shows you how the timeline folds on itself, then unfolds, and this whole "folding" business makes more sense to you now.

So the test is a success.

No, the problem comes after the fold. After everything seems to have worked.

"alright, al." Sans says to Alphys. "go ahead and shut it down."

Alphys, sitting at the main control panel, nods and hits a few buttons.

And then the control panel explodes. It tosses Alphys backwards, shrapnel buried in her body, and flings her against the wall. She collapses to the floor, and doesn't move.

"Alphys!" Undyne screams, running for her girlfriend. You run over, too.

Alphys's body is quickly dissolving. You feel sick.

And then there's another explosion. This one comes from behind you, and something smashes into your back. You cry out as you fall forward. You're sure you heard something crack. Something break. Your head hurts. Pounding. Screaming. Something in your vision, red, blood? Blood in your eyes. Ringing in your ears.

You try to get up. But you can't. Your back hurts. Think your legs do, too, but you can't be sure. You cry out for help.


Someone. Anyone. Someone help.

Sans. You see Sans. He's just standing there. Eyesockets dark. Panic. Just as scared as you.

He sees you. Light in his eyes again. Still scared, wildly fearful.

He steps up to you.

kid, you gotta reset.

You try to tell him how it hurts.

kid, please! reset! we don't need to be here any longer!

Try to tell him how your legs have gone numb.

please, kid!

Your head hurts. Can't hardly think.

Sans looks guilty...? Sad. Still scared, panicking.

please don't make me do this.

You try to ask Sans for help. Instead, something white, glowing- Magic, a bone- appears in his hand.

i'm sorry, kid. please, just reset.

He lifts it over your head.

please, kid. Last chance.

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