68 ~ Good Work

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Saturday rolls around, and you meet up with Papyrus in the park. You two had originally planned to try to train your Magic, but since your staff blew up, Gaster hasn't given you a new one, and your hands are still kinda sore, that doesn't really happen.

Still, though, you both had the plans made on your calendars, and neither of you saw any reason to cancel the event. So you just meet in the park to hang out like the two cool friends that you are.

But, it being mid-November, you start to get a little chilly. You even start to shiver, your teeth chattering. Papyrus, of course, notices, and suggests that you both go back to his house to continue the cool friends hangout somewhere warmer. You agree.

And Papyrus, being the kind person he is, carries you there. You appreciate the gesture, even if the going is a little slower than usual, since Papyrus has to bear both of your weight.

But you arrive quickly enough.

When the pair of you walk in, you see Sans is slumped on the couch, half asleep. Gaster is looking intently at a paper as he paces back and forth in front of the tv, and the lit lamp on his desk says he's been doing quite a bit of work. Preparation for the CORE 2.0, most likely.

Gaster looks up to greet you. "Papyrus, Frisk. You're back sooner than I expected."

"Frisk was getting cold!" Papyrus says. "So we came here to hang out instead."


And then, Papyrus sneezes.

That catches everyone's attention. Yours, particularly, because you didn't even know skeletons could sneeze.

"Papyrus..." Gaster says slowly. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Of course!" Papyrus says.

"Are you sure?"


Gaster stuffs the paper he was holding into his pocket and steps over. For a moment, he just looks Papyrus in the eyes. Then he hugs Papyrus. Papyrus returns the hug, letting his skull settle on Gaster's shoulder, closing his eyes.

They stand there, hugging, for a long moment.

Then Gaster pulls away, hands on Papyrus's shoulders. "Papyrus. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Well..." Papyrus fidgets a little. "Maybe I have just a little headache? But only a very small one-"


"-that got kind of bigger, and maybe I was a little bit shaky this morning, but I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry because I'm okay and I-"

"Papyrus." Gaster cuts his son off. "Papyrus. Listen. It's most likely just a virus, and not going to kill you. I'm not worried about it in the slightest. That said, trying to power through it isn't going to help you get better more quickly, and the best thing you can do right now is rest."


"No buts. I'm your dad, and I'm telling you you're going to rest today."

Papyrus's shoulders slump just a little, and he sighs. "Okay."

Gaster nods decisively, and leads Papyrus over to the couch. "Here. Lie down. Sans, scoot over and give your brother some space. Papyrus, do you still feel shaky at all?"

Papyrus sits down on the couch, and you notice Sans reaches out quickly to grab Papyrus's hand. He holds on tightly.

"N-not really..." Papyrus answers. "Well... maybe just a tiny bit."

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