32 ~ That Belongs to Me.

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The Void-ooze being's head snaps in your direction. It's weird, like a statue. You can see the shapes. The eyes, the nose, the mouth slowly twisting into a smile. But no color. Just... black.

"Chara." You repeat. Because it is them. Chara, the first fallen child. They look older, maybe fourteen, fifteen now. Definitely taller than you. "What are you doing here?"

They shrug a little. "Oh, you know." They look older, but their voice is the same childish one from before. "Just escaping the Void and all that. It's kinda funny, though. I wonder what-..." they pause a minute, looking down at themself. You hear them mutter something about color.

And then they reach up and snap their fingers, and color floods through them. "There we go!"

And it's Chara, exactly Chara, but older. They're still wearing the same green and yellow striped shirt, same shock of orange-red hair, framing a pale-skinned face with rosy cheeks and almost red eyes.

You and Sans both take a step back. "But I thought you needed my Soul to come back."

Chara makes a dismissive gesture. "What, does the world revolve around you or something? I don't need your Soul, I just need a Soul."

"And... you got one?"

Chara grins at you. "Yup! Wanna see?" Without waiting for a response, they wave their hand over their chest, and the Soul appears, glowing above their hand.

But it's not a human Soul. It's a monster Soul, upside down and white. And there are cracks through it, large missing chunks, one on the upper right, another on the lower left.

You feel Sans stiffen beside you, and when you glance at him, you see his eyesockets are dark. "T H A T   D O E S N ' T   B E L O N G   T O   Y O U ."

"No!" Chara laughs. "It doesn't!" They take a step forward, and you and Sans take another back. "But, you see, he was getting so desperate, so, so tired, and he called out for help. But, no one came. No one but me, of course!" Then Chara frowns just a little. "... He wasn't happy about that. He tried to kill me. I made him a perfectly sensible offer, and he tried to kill me! He was strong, too. Wouldn't let me take it." They gesture a little, and smile again. "But, but he got weaker. Don't you see, Sans? Every time he stopped you from coming to the Void, it made him just a little weaker. He was trying to protect you, and you just made it easer for me to come back...!" They laugh, and when they gesture again, a knife of solid black forms in their hand.

But Chara's next words make you freeze in your tracks. "You see? You shoulda listened to him! You shouldn't have opened the Void! Ohhh, Sans! If only you had listened to him! Then you wouldn't be facing me, and your poor old dad wouldn't be lying Soulless in the Void!"

You and Sans both are frozen shocked.

Sans' dad?! Is Dr. Gaster Sans' dad?!

Sans snaps out of it before you. "I will give you one chance, anomaly. Give Gaster his Soul back."

"And if I don't?"

"T H E N I T A K E I T F R O M Y O U R C O R P S E ."

"Oooh, brave words from the guy who couldn't stop me last time!"

You get only a glance at Sans' cold grin before he takes a shortcut away, right behind Chara, and thrusts a bone forward.

But Chara is fast. They dodge with ease.

And then the fight is on. For a moment, Sans and Chara dance around the room, trading blows.

Sans is fast, but Chara is faster. So, so fast, much faster than they ever were with you. The battle is over in a moment, with Chara scoring a killing blow to Sans, the same blow, in fact, they delivered once through your hands.

Sans looks so utterly shocked. He stumbles back a step, hands pressed against his chest. Then he stumbles back another step, his back pressing to the wall, before sliding to the floor.

"SANS!!" You hear Papyrus shriek. He lunged forward.

"What, you want some too?" You see Chara lash out, and Papyrus stumbles back, reeling, holding one arm to his chest.

"Now that's enough!" Undyne jumps forward, spear in hand. As she distracts Chara, purposefully staying out of attacking range, Papyrus starts trying to make his way around the room to Sans.

And then Chara slams the fist holding the knife into Undyne's head, and the fish monster collapses, unconscious.

Chara turns to you. "Well, Frisk? Gonna do anything?"

You give them your most determined look, pull your stick out of your inventory (you've kept it all this time) and lunge forward.

But Chara hits you with a quick punch to your gut that sends you sprawling.

And then they're standing over you, knife raised. "Now I know I said I didn't need your Soul, but it would be nice to have a stronger one, too!"

But before they can plunge the knife into your chest, a hand grabs onto their arm.

A pale, smooth hand, with a hole straight through the palm, connected to a black, ooze arm.

"☠️🏴❄️ ❄️👇✋️💧 ❄️✋️💣👈📪 ✋️ ❄️👇✋️☠️😐📬"

The sound is like static and thunder and screaming, all rolled into one noise.

And then the arm twists, throwing Chara off you. You quickly scramble to your feet.

Papyrus has reached Sans and is pulling off the scraps of his shirt, green healing Magic already lighting his hands. Alphys is seeing to Undyne.

And standing between you and Chara is a tall, dark figure, a rounded white head splintered through with cracks, dark hollow eyesockets, and a body seemingly made of black liquid. There's a gaping wound across the chest, but inside isn't flesh or blood or even Magic, just more black.

Dr. Gaster turns his cold, hollow gaze from you to Chara.

"✡️🏴✝️ 👇✌️✝️👈 💧🏴💣👈❄️👇✋️☠️👆📪 ✋️ 👌👈☹️✋️👈✝️👈📪 ❄️👇✌️❄️ 👌👈☹️🏴☠️👆💧 ❄️🏴 💣👈📬" He stretches out one hand to Chara. "👆✋️✝️👈 ✋️❄️ ❄️🏴 💣👈📪 🏴☀️ ✋️ ☥✋️☹️☹️ ❄️✌️😐👈 ✋️❄️ 👉☀️🏴💣 ✡️🏴✝️☀️ 👍🏴☀️🚩💧👈📬"





Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! Comments and votes are my Favorite Things, and every notification I get makes my day!

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