8 ~ One Truth

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For a long time, everything is silent. Everyone is simply looking at where Sans had stood in the doorway.

Eventually, it's Undyne who turns to you. "Frisk...?" She asks slowly. "What did Sans mean about giving us more details?"

You hesitate. How can you answer?

Everyone notices your hesitancy.

Papyrus's eyesockets narrow slightly. "Frisk, is it possible..." he says, almost in disbelief. "That you're hiding something from us?"

You don't want to lie. You don't want to lie!

But there's a reason why you--

Oh. Oh.

Oh Annoying Dog, Sans was right!

"My child, is there something you need to tell us?"

You're such a hypocrite!


As everyone continues to question you, you look to Flowey for the same support he had offered you earlier. But it's not there. Instead, he's grinning viciously.

Of course he would take amusement in your predicament.

And you realize what Sans has done. Not only has he twice now escaped this topic, but he's turned your own plan against you. He's stirred everyone up, gotten them to question you and completely forget about him. That way, when you don't give up your secret, he doesn't have to give up his.

So there's only one thing you can do, you suppose. You stand up to your word.

You look up, a new glint of determination in your eyes. You meet everyone's gaze, and they fall silent, recognizing that you're about to speak.

Then you look at Alphys. You hesitate for half a second. Should I really do this? ...No, I-...

Yes, I am going to do it.

"I am the anomaly."

Everyone looks confused, except Alphys. She looks shocked.

"F-Frisk, you c-can't possibly mean-..."

You nod. "I do. After all, how would I know about it?"

"Anomaly?" Toriel asks. "What is this anomaly?"

You sigh a little, thinking back on Sans' words from-... from that one time. "An anomaly in the timelines. Everything starting and stopping, jumping left and right. Essentially, I-... I have control over the timeline. 'Reseting' I call it. Because of how much determination I have, if I die, or if something goes wrong, or just if I want to, I can go back certain distances in time to change things."

Everyone looks confused except Alphys, who still looks shocked.

You decide it would be better to explain through your experience. After all, you didn't know about it either, until it happened to you. So you tell your story. Going through the Ruins with Toriel, and how she was right, how the Ruins were dangerous, you know, because you died. But you weren't ready to die yet, so you went back and tried again.

You tell how, when you fought Toriel, talking wasn't working, so you thought maybe just a little fighting, to try to push her out of the way would work. You tell of your mortification at yourself when she fell to a single blow. How you reset to try again.

You tell the story all the way through the Underground, how you managed to spare these monsters, or killed these monsters out of frustration.

You tell how when you first met Papyrus, you were afraid of him. He seemed so strong. But then as you got to know him, you learned he was one of the coolest guys you knew, and even after time and time again, you're always happy to see him, and always genuinely mean it when you say you want to be his friend.

You tell how Undyne scared you really bad. How her attacks were super strong, and your first time, she killed you over and over and over, and even when you got frustrated and tried to fight, she still won for a long time. You tell how her eventual death was one of the most tragic, heroic things you've ever seen.

You tell how the first time you met Alphys, you were nearly as nervous as she. And how, when she at first guided you wrong, you were suspicious she was trying to lead you into a trap, but when Mettaton had revealed her motives, you had forgiven her.

You tell how you learned the monsters' story. How you met Sans in the final corridor, and he judged you, and the amount of Lv you had.

You tell how Asgore broke your MERCY button, and you had no choice but to fight.

How even after that, after he had killed you again and again, you still tried to grant him mercy.

How Flowey killed him anyway, and took the human Souls.

How after you beat Flowey and escaped the Underground, you were saddened that monsters hadn't escaped with you.

So you tell them how you reset, and did everything again, and again, and again, trying for every scenario, trying to figure out how to free the monsters.

How, eventually, by going true pacifist, something changed that allowed you to free them, after finding Alphys's true lab.


But you leave some things out. You don't tell them about Asriel. Or how many times you True Reset.

Or how that one time, you went a different direction. You killed them all, almost destroyed the entire Underground, resetting only just before it was too late.

You don't tell them some things. Sans was right, some few things are better off left secrets.

But some things...


All your friends are shocked, of course. But Alphys verifies the anomaly exists, and she can't prove it isn't you. Especially considering she never told you what it is, yet you know about it.

For a long time after you finish, you just sit there, hands folded in your lap. Everyone is silent.

Eventually, it's Flowey who breaks the silence. "Well then. As interesting as that was, Frisk, the smiley trashbag owes us a story, now. And I, for one, am more than interested in what he has to say."



Thank you all for your well-wishes for my AP exam! As far as I can tell, it went well enough... and, because of the exam, I don't have school today! So it's pretty alright in the end, I guess.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! Comments and votes are my Favorite Things, and every notification I get makes my day!

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