44 ~ Inhuman

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So you've successfully gotten Gaster away from the school and a ways away, but now you have another problem.

Gaster appears to have merely started walking along the road back to Ebbot Town. And it's a forty five minute drive, so you don't even know how long that equates to in walking time.

You jog a little to catch up to him. His walk is a kinda slow meander, with his hands jammed in his pockets, but with his long legs, it's still a pretty fast pace, and you have to work to keep up.

"So, um," you begin, "the parking lot is back that way."

Gaster just nods a little. There's a thoughtful look on his face.

"And. Um. The car, too."

He glances down at you. "What car?"

Your brow furrows a little in panic. He didn't seriously walk all the way here, did he?

"The car you drove! How we're gonna get home without making our feet bleed!"

He shrugs, looking away. "I'm part skeleton, part nonexistent Void stuff. I can't bleed."

"But I can...!" You complain, your panic rising.

Gaster is silent for a long time. Then he starts chuckling.

"What?" You ask. "What's so funny?!"

"... Heh... we won't be walking the whole way. I can teleport us home. I just wanted to... enjoy the nature for a little bit.

You blink a little, stopping in your tracks. If you think about it, it makes sense, you suppose. There weren't woods like these, or a sky and sun in the Underground, and then Gaster was in the Void, which is even worse than the Underground, for a long time. So of course he appreciated things like nature.

Then you realize he's getting pretty far on ahead of you, so you trot forward to keep up. For five or so minutes, the two of you walk next to each other on the side of the road.

Then, Gaster speaks again. "... Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" You can't recall having done anything.

Gaster glances down at you. "You pulled me away from... from your teacher. Interrupted me before... well. ... But why?"

You look up at him. Wasn't it obvious? "... Someone would have gotten hurt."

"Hmm. You claim to love monsters so much, yet you won't let one defend himself, instead, protecting the human."

"No." You murmur. "I mean, true, I wouldn't want Mrs. Callen to get hurt. But... If you had attacked her, then you would have gotten hurt."

Gaster scoffs a little.

You look up at him. "I know it doesn't seem like it, but hurting a human would be... devastating. Because, see, humans are already scared of monsters, so if monsters start being violent... well. Humans... don't respond well to violence. The whole world would be focusing on Ebbot Town, with the intent of 'preemptive strike'. And-... well. You saw how the first war went."

Gaster looks down at you, expression unreadable. "You know an awful lot for a twelve year old."

"Eleven." You correct. "And that's because I'm the monster ambassador. I don't actually do a whole lot, but I got to sit in on all the meetings. So, I decided to start paying attention."

"Hmm." You can't tell for sure, but you think you can hear an impressed note in his voice.

Then, "What about you? Are you scared?"

"Scared?" You respond. "Of what?"

"Monsters." He states simply. "You said humans are scared of monsters. Are you?"

"No!" Your response is immediate, unconscious. "Monsters are nice!"

Gaster lets out another soft "Hmm..."

For a long little while, you're both silent. When Gaster speaks again, the confidence and self-assertion in his words startles you a little. "Well, then, Frisk, I have come to a conclusion. You are not human."

You frown at him, utterly confused. "What?"

He shrugs a little. "You can't be. There's too much evidence against it."

"Like what?"

"You practically said yourself. Humans' first response to violence is to fight back, yet when I went to fight, your first response was to try to keep peace, avert violence. And you said humans are afraid of monsters, yet you seek to be friends with them, to protect them to the point where you, a child, try to understand the workings of complicated political meeting I would likely even avoid."

You laugh and shake your head. "No, I'm a human."

"I'm quite certain you aren't. You may look like one, but you don't act like one at all."

"Well... Well some humans are different. Better."

Gaster snorts. "What was that saying you American humans are so proud of? 'All men are created equal' or something like that? How can some be better if you're all equal?"

"That's not what that means!"

"Then what does it mean?"

"It means-..." You struggle for a moment. "It means that, it doesn't matter if you're black or white, or if you're a girl or a boy, all people have the right to the same opportunities, and no one should be treated unfairly because of something like race or gender."

Gaster is silent for a long time. Then, "Ooohhhhhh! I get it! It means all of humanity is equally deserving of my hatred!

You slap the palm of your hand to your face. "Gaster..."

He just chuckles. "Regardless. That still in no way proves you're human. And I'm still inclined to believe you're not."

You give him a sidelong look. "So if I'm not human, then what am I?" You look around a little and suddenly realize you're in your front yard. Gaster must have teleported the pair of you there, without you even noticing.

He shrugs, grinning, as he steps up the stairs to your home's front porch. "An anomaly, I guess."

With that, he slams open the front door and strides inside.

You blink a little, unable to decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing, and trying to figure it out gives you a bit of a headache.



Hhhhhhhhngh tomorrow's the last day of this science camp and I can't wait to go home and sleep in my own bed tomorrow night...

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! Comments and votes are my Favorite Things, and every notification I get makes my day!

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