14 ~ Opening Another Door

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You decide to wait a little while before asking Sans more questions. Thinking about things does cause him nightmares, after all, and you are trying to help him, not hurt him.

Small steps, he said. Nice and easy. Taking it slow.

So you give him a little while, a few days to prepare himself for the next question. To make sure he's ready for it. That he's okay, and can still answer you.

To make sure he still wants to answer you.

Because you know how Sans is. Well. No, you don't. You've realized that you really don't know hardly anything about Sans, but you still know that if Sans doesn't want you knowing things, then... well...


Everything you know about Sans, you only know because he let you know. If he doesn't want you to know something about him, then you won't know. Sans is a lot smarter than he lets on, and he knows how to hide things.

Regardless. You decided to give Sans some time before you start asking questions.

... Not that that's easy. You really want to know this stuff. Your curiosity is still a bomb. And you're still a mostly-thumbless cat.

Mostly-thumbless because now Sans is answering your questions, but you can't get any answers in between questions. So. Mostly-thumbless cat. Time bomb.

Luckily, for at least a little while, you have something to distract you from your curiosity. Apparently, a little while before you fell into the Underground, Alphys had loaned Undyne some anime or other, and then, when the Barrier was broken, in the rush to get to the surface, the DVD had been left behind. Now, the pair wanted to watch the anime again, but it was still in Undyne's house in Waterfall. So you're accompanying your friends back into the Underground to retrieve the anime.

Because yes, according to them, the anime is worth the day-long expedition.

Honestly, you're glad to go with them. Aside from just providing a distraction from your curiosity, you haven't been in the Underground in a long time, and you kinda like the place. It's so strange and exotic and beautiful, and you have so many good memories of the place.

As you trail behind Alphys and Undyne through the blue-lit caves, you can't help but be struck by an immense wave of nostalgia. Even with all the resets, you were never able to acutely recapture the emotions you felt on your first True Pacifist run. Just that sudden feeling of importance, the realization that you were needed, wanted, loved.

That feeling that you could do something. That the power to make a difference was yours. And that you had used it to do the right thing.

The right thing to help everyone you loved. That finally, everyone has a shot at happiness.


You stop and turn around, then realize that, in your musings, you've walked past Undyne's house. Undyne and Alphys are looking at you.

You look back in the direction you had been heading.

That feeling hasn't dissipated. In fact, it's grown. It's not nostalgia anymore. It's longing. Calling to you. Something is calling you. Something needs you, pulling at your Soul.

You look back to Alphys and Undyne. "... There's something strange." You say. "I need to go... investigate."

The monsters share a glance. Then Undyne flashes you a toothy grin. "Count us in!"

With Undyne carrying you and Alphys, you move through the bioluminescent caverns much faster than your own legs could carry you. She even leaps swiftly over the disproportionally small gap, since the little bird long since started carrying people over an even bigger river on the Surface.

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