We're alive

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The one handed man, Merle, had shown Arya around Woodbury and the tour had taken at least an hour. Woodbury had pretty much everything you could think of, a library, loads of food, enough rooms for 100 people, working lights, an actual doctor with medical supplies, clothes, working showers, you name it! They even had a tank.. Maybe Arya had underestimated them just a little. A tank?

Once Merle was done with the tour he brought Arya to a room and told her to stay put and that he would be back with clothes and food for her.

Arya couldn't help but feel nervous without her sword, even though she had a hand gun and a knife, it just wasn't the same thing.

At least no one but Merle knew she even had weapons. Woodbury had a body count of about 60 people from what she saw. More than half of them being woman, children, and older people. The rest were men that were guarding the town and it's walls. They looked like juveniles with heavy duty weapons. Arya knew they weren't anything special, they most likely stole those weapons from the people that could have actually done something..

Arya got the feeling these people weren't good people, maybe the children and women just had no idea what was going on.. But she had to get out of there.

Where was Merle with her sword?

As if on cue, Merle stalked in the room with clothes in his hand and a bottle of water. He looked angry. Arya was about to question him, until she realized a man walk in behind Merle.. He was holding a tray of food. He was tall with chestnut brown hair and he had the smile of a man who had it all. The glint in his eyes made Arya uneasy and she took a step back. The motion didn't go unnoticed by the man.

"I heard we had a new recruit, I didn't know you'd be so.. Young."

The man looked her over like she was one of his creations that he didn't know whether he hated it or liked it..

"I'm not a recruit. Merle said I could get supplies and get checked over by your doctor and then he will give my sword back and I can leave." Arya stated, staring into the mans eyes.

The man gave her a look of annoyance but quickly masked it. He smiled and put the tray of food on her bedside table.

"Of course, we can get you checked by our doctor tomorrow, she's a little busy at the moment." He shared a look with Merle before continuing, "I'll also check out what we can do for you for supplies tomorrow, but for now.. Eat and rest! You'll be safe while you're here. Our friend Merle forgot to get your name.."

He looked expectantly at Arya. For a moment she forgot what her real name was, she used different names all the time with people she didn't know.. Beth, Cat, Arry.

"Don't lie, girl. I always know when someone's lying."

Arya laughed in her head. She bet she could outsmart him. She was a good liar. Arya didn't use to lie so much, before everything happened.. She was around people she trusted. It was acceptable to lie to people you didn't trust, well, at least that's what she told herself.

"My names Cat." Arya said without missing a beat, staring at the man intently.

The man smiled at her, as if impressed she didn't disobey him.

"Cat, so your full name would be Catherine?"


Catelyn was her mothers name.

"Well, Cat.. I'm Phillip. But everyone around Woodbury has taken to calling me the Governor.. It's just a nickname that stuck." Phillip laughed to himself and then opened the door to leave.

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