Too far gone

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The sounds of Carl's little sister's cries ran through her head. Although, she knew she wasn't there and crying anymore.

Arya turned around when Rick told Carl to not look back. She saw the men who were shooting at them gathered around where the Governor sat bleeding. She saw Rick holding his wife and daughter, there was blood all over them. She saw Rick plant a kiss on them before running to chase after them. The look on his face made Arya's heart sink.

Arya also saw Michonne making her way towards the group of men who attacked them, but she didn't see what happened next. She turned her head back towards Carl and followed him every step of the way.

Arya found herself hoping Merle was okay. Even though Merle pissed her off, in a way he had helped her... She thought about the others and hoped the same for them, even though she didn't know them all too well, they were all good people from what Arya could see.

After running for what seemed like an hour, Carl finally slowed down and collapsed to the ground.

He sat with his head in his hands, gasping for air. Arya steadied herself and put her hands on her knees while catching her breath.

After five minutes, Rick sauntered over. His face was dark and unreadable. He looked murderous in a way... it scared Arya, but she knew he wouldn't hurt her.

Carl's breathing evened out and he glanced up. When his eyes met with Arya's, he held his gaze to hers. She didn't break eye contact until he finally looked at his father.

Arya watched Carl's eyes travel past Rick and he stared down the road they just ran on.

For a moment, Arya thought he was waiting for the men to still be chasing after them until he asked the question that shattered Arya's heart.

"Where's mom and Judith?"

Carl looked expectantly at Rick, and Rick glued his eyes to the ground. Carl stood up abruptly and stood in front of Rick.

"Where are they?!" Carl demanded balling his hands into fists.

"They-" Rick couldn't seem to find the right words to say as he dragged his hand through his hair, the sadness was very clear in his face. He attempted to begin again, "Your mom was shot in the back, Carl. She was holding Judith and the bullet went through her too."

Rick began to break down and sob as he held his head in his hands.

Arya looked at Carl then but she couldn't see his face because he turned away from her.

She felt the need to weep for him in that moment. Arya had lost her mother and sister too, she knew how it felt.

Arya almost walked over to him to try and comfort him but he started walking away.

"Carl, wait." Arya went to follow him and then he broke out in a run.

"Carl!" She yelled as hurried after him.

He ran down the road a little ways until he came to a small house and he turned to run into the driveway. He tried to run into the house but Arya tackled him to the ground before he could open the door.

Arya straddled him and rested both her knees on his arms.

Either Carl wasn't very strong or made no attempt to push her off.

"Don't be stupid!" Arya said with a look of annoyance. "You could have walked into that house and got jumped by 5 biters for all you know!"

Arya's face softened and she looked Carl in his eyes. "I know you're upset. I know how it feels to lose your family, and I'm sorry. But you can't go off and be reckless! That's how you get hurt.. Or killed. You can't die.. Your dad needs you. I'm sure some of your group is still out there. We can't give up. I can be here to help you through it." Arya smiled at Carl then.

She realized that she could help Carl like Gendry helped her.

Carl hadn't said a word since Arya pinned him down. His face was still unreadable as Arya shifted her weight to give him use of his arms.

He brought his hand to one of Arya's arms and held it for a moment.

She didn't know what to do and thought about resting her hand on his, until he shoved her off him.

Arya fell to the ground with a thud and then Carl climbed on her and held her arms down with his knees.

"You can't chase after me and tell me what to do." Carl said with a firm voice, he sounded almost like Rick. "I wanted to go in that house to get away from my dad, to get away from you,  and to get away from everything! I could have handled all the walkers by myself!  I don't need you, I don't need anyone! Just because my mom and sister died doesn't mean you have to pretend to care. You don't need friends, remember?" and with that Carl hopped off Arya and stalked away to the backyard.

Arya gave herself a minute to take in what Carl had said to her, she creeped around the house and saw Carl sitting in the middle of the lawn with his hands in his hair.

She couldn't be mad at him, even though he was wrong.

She did care.

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