0 days without an accident

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It was beautiful to be watching the sunrise with his father. Today they were going to help clear the fences. His mom talked to Rick about letting Carl help out more concerning the safety of the group.

That's all Carl wanted, was to help. He wanted his father to feel like he could protect himself and the people around him.

"I'm gonna die.. Mom.. there's no way you could ever be ready for it."

Carl thought back to that conversation with his father.

If.. If Rick died, Carl wanted to make sure that he was proud of him. That he didn't leave this world being disappointed in Carl.

Carl thought of Shane briefly and then bit his tongue. He wasn't going to think about that right now.

"Here, son." Rick handed Carl a long metal pole. "We're gonna use these, you know guns make too much noise and ammo is hard to come by."

He wasn't shocked that his dad wasn't going to give him his gun yet. Nonetheless, he was happy to be taking down the monsters trying to break into their home.

After 20 minutes of Rick and Carl clearing the fences, Daryl came over and started helping. He used his own knife instead of a metal pole.

"So, Maggie and Glenn are going for a run today? Ya think I should go with 'em, just to be safe?" Daryl grunted as he pulled his knife out of a bulky walker's head.

"I think it'll be faster if they go alone, and Maggie is a good shot." Rick have Daryl a small smile. "And I think they'd like the time away."

Carl rolled his eyes. Maggie and Glenn were always together, why would they want to leave alone?

"Fair enough." Daryl chuckled.

Carl shook his head and went back to the task at hand. He didn't see what was funny.

It was around noon when they were done clearing up the fences. Carl was dripping with sweat and felt disgusting.

"Well, I think it's time for lunch. We should also make sure Maggie and Glenn have everything they need."

Rick looked at Carl and smiled.

This put Carl in a good place, seeing his father smile.

When the three of them made it up to the cafeteria, Maggie and Glenn were already geared up to go. Maggie was hugging Hershel and telling him everything was going to be fine.

Glenn ruffled Carl's hair and gave Rick a reassuring nod.

"We'll be back in a few hours."

Glenn didn't sound convinced of this but smiled anyways.

"Don't get gnawed on out there." Daryl said while biting at his nail.

"Thanks, Daryl. I'll try not to."

Glenn nodded once more to the men and then grabbed Maggie and left.

Carl, Rick, and Daryl sat down and began to eat the squirrel soup that Carol had made.

After about 15 minutes, Beth and Carol came inside from opening the gates up and closing them behind Maggie and Glenn.

"Hi Carl." Beth smiled at him as she walked by.

"Hey." Carl said with a smirk. He thought she was pretty, and he was pretty excited to be checking the perimeter with her today.

Beth was a couple years older than he was but he was sure he made he blush a few times.

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