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Three days had gone by since Arya joined Merle at the prison. She mainly stayed in her cell, only coming out to eat or use the bathroom. Carl tried talking to her once, yesterday evening... but she told him to go away. Whenever she left her cell, he would be there watching her every move.

Arya was more concerned about the fact that the Governor could find them any day.

She overheard Merle and Rick talking about a battle plan this morning, she heard something about getting the prison riot gear from the armory. Then Rick was starting to say something about where he wanted the kids if there was an attack... Then Daryl came up from behind her and told her to scram before she could hear another word.

"Why were you eavesdropping on my dad earlier?" Carl asked when Arya went to get something to eat.


"You barely talk to us."


Arya looked at the boy. He wasn't wearing his hat.

It is a stupid hat. She thought.

He isn't even a sheriff. He's a pretender.

"So, if you want to make friends you should try talking to us. You could at least tell us about yourself."

Carl looked away from her when she made eye contact. Why does he even care, he's only talking to her because he has to keep an eye on her. He's probably trying to get information on her to tell his dad.

"I don't need friends." Arya said and picked up a can of pineapples.

"Everyone needs friends."

Carl looked at Arya then. He looked sincere.

She wanted to smile at him then until she noticed his eyes were blue.. Blue like Gendry's.

Arya looked away and ran off back to her cell without another word.

It wasn't that she was weak, she just never got the chance to mourn. She carried on, just trying to stay alive.. But now that she was safe, surrounded by people could she give herself a little time to let it all out?

No. She thought. The governor could come any day, he couldn't catch her in a moment of weakness.

She heard someone come in behind her, "leave me alone." Arya said before she even got the chance to look and see who it was.

"Well that's no way to thank me, darling."

The familiar southern drawl made her roll her eyes.

"Thank you for what? For taking me prisoner at Woodbury and then getting me out of Woodbury or for getting me out of Woodbury and taking me prisoner here?"

Arya turned around then and gave Merle a challenging look.

"You're not a prisoner, little lady."

"That stupid boy watches me like a hawk because his daddy told him to keep his eye on me. What do you call that?"


Arya scoffed.

"My brother has to keep an eye on me, you think I ain't pissed about that? Never imagined the day my baby brother would be babysitting me."

Merle sighed and sat on Arya's bed.

"How well do you know the area around here?"

"Why?" She asked looking at him, suspicion filled her eyes.

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