Nothing is just nothing

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There was something off about Woodbury, that much was for sure.

When Arya got up from her restless slumber.. she showered once more, not knowing the next time she'd be able to. After she was done she put on the jeans she had been given and stuffed her knife in the front of her pants and her gun in the back. She then threw on her rucksack and went to open the door.. But when she went to grab the handle the door flew open and she jumped back.

"Good! You're up. Weren't tryna leave now were ya?"

It was Merle, and he had a water bottle and a smushed sandwich stuffed in his pocket. Arya figured that was for her.

"No, I just wanted to walk around."

Merle handed her the sandwich and water and smirked at her.

"Ya lets take a walk. Maybe you'll like what ya see."

When they got outside, Merle started towards a small group of people and Arya followed.

"Hey blondie!" Merle slung a shoulder around the blonde haired girl.

"What do you want, Dixon?"

"Was wondering how you were feeling? Heard the doc was checking you out last night after I left."

"Oh, look at you.. Concerned for my health." The blonde rolled her eyes and then she realized Arya standing behind Merle.

Merle turned to see what the blonde was looking at and then seemed to remember Arya.

"Ah, blondie. This is Cat. She came to town yesterday too."

"I'm Andrea, this is Michonne." Andrea motioned to the woman standing next to her.

Arya hadn't even noticed her until then. Michonne only looked at Arya with a straight face. She didn't say a word.

"Hi." Was all Arya could manage to say.

They came to town last night too? Why was Merle speaking to this woman as if he'd known her longer than a night? Now Arya knew what the shared look between Merle and the governor was about..

"Well, this one said she wanted to walk around. Now, I got some stuff to take care of, so why don't you lovely ladies hang out with her for a bit?"

"Wait," Arya didn't have anything against these women but she was promised supplies and her sword. She was ready to leave. "I want my things. I want to go."

Merle scoffed. "Listen, girlie, we said you'd get your things but I got some work to do. 'Sides, if you're alone, ya aint got a place to go to in a hurry."

And with that, Merle stalked off.

Michonne rolled her eyes. "They said the same to us. They said we'd get our things this morning and we could go. This place isn't what they say it is."

Arya felt a brief moment of panic and then bit her lip. So this woman had a bad feeling about this place too.

"What do you mean, 'it's not what they say it is'? Do you know something?"

"Don't worry, Cat." Andrea cut in, "Michonne is just paranoid."

Michonne glared at her friend for a moment and then looked away.

"I took a walk this morning. Early, before everyone was up. I checked out the tank, and there's fresh bullet holes on the outside of it. I'm pretty sure the walkers didn't learn how to shoot guns."

Andrea shifted nervously and then shrugged.

"Could have been anything, Michonne. What right do we have to judge these people, we don't know them. We don't know what they've had to do to survive."

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