I did what I had to do (part two)

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The neighborhood he was in was empty, only ghosts lived there now. Arya's warning lingered in the back of his mind, but he pushed it away. He didn't want to think about her right now.

While walking around he found himself outside the house that his father and Arya were held up in. He knew they were in there because two walkers were banging against the door outside.

"Hey asshole, hey shitface! Fresh meat right here, come get it!" Carl said to the walkers as they started towards him. He kept a steady pace while walking backwards.

"That's it, eyes on me! I'm right here!"

Carl turned into a side alley, still watching the two walkers saunter towards him.

What he didn't expect was a walker to grab him from behind.

Carl immediately aimed at the walker behind him and shot. The walker in front of him had managed to get close enough to knock him over, Carl wasted no time in shooting that walker in the head as well. The last walker had fallen on top of Carl as well, he shot twice until he managed to finally kill it.

The overwhelming smell of death was enough to make him vomit, but the maggots falling all over him is what did it for him. After getting out from underneath the walkers he threw up right next to them.

When he was finished he wiped his face and stared down at them.

"I win." He said aloud.

He found his way back to the house where Arya and his father were staying in. He was surprised that Arya hadn't come looking for him. Carl went in through the back, he found a kitchen window that was unlocked.

When he walked into the living room he saw his father passed out on the couch, he figured Arya was upstairs in some room.

"Dad." Carl stood over his father and looked down at him. He looked pretty badly hurt, his face was battered and bloody and his left hand had a make shift cast on it. He also had a cut wound on his chest but it was bandaged up and looked pretty clean.

"Wake up." Carl shook his father then but his father didn't budge. "Wake up! Wake up!" Carl exclaimed kicking the couch his father laid on and shaking him not so gently.

After several minutes of nothing. Carl gave up on trying to wake his father and sat on the ground next to Rick.

"I killed three walkers." Carl started, not caring if his dad could really hear him or not. "They were going to get in. But I lured them away. I killed them. I saved you. I saved you! I didn't forget while you had us playing farmer. I still know how to survive. Lucky for us."

Carl paused and looked away from his father. "I don't need you anymore. I can take care of myself. You couldn't protect Judith. Or Hershel or Glenn or Maggie, Michonne, Daryl. Or mom. You just wanted to plant vegetables. You just wanted to hide."

Carl stood abruptly then. "He knew where we were and you didn't care! You just wanted to pretend. You just hid behind those fences and waited. They're all gone because of you! They counted on you! You were their leader!"

Carl started to walk away then, he felt like sobbing. "But now, you're nothing. I'd be fine if you died."

Carl wanted to leave the house again but he needed sleep. After arguing with himself for 10 minutes he decided to leave the house again. The sun was coming up and he figured now would be as good a time as any to search the houses near by for food or supplies.

He could do it all on his own now.

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