Fierce as a wolverine

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The last thing Arya saw was Carl laying on the ground, and then it looked like he was running towards her.

Everything happened so fast. A biter came out of nowhere and grabbed her from the back of the head, then about a second later Arya had a burning pain in her arm that made her scream.

That wasn't what pissed her off.. Merle had then proceeded to shove Arya to the ground.

At first she thought she was bit or scratched , but then she heard the gun shots.

The Governor. Arya's mind filled with all the gruesome things she could do to that man in that moment.

This prick is going to pay I swear it by the gods.

Arya bit back a laugh.

Gods.. They're playing a cruel joke on all of us. The dead are walking around and it's man vs man.

Arya felt the tears then, she didn't know when she started crying but she tried to focus on anything but the pain.

That's when she saw Carl. He was laying on the ground with his father. He looked at her then, but he wasn't looking at her the way she was looking at him.

She saw the way his hair dangled in his eyes, and the way he pushed up his hat like it was an involuntary motion.

Such a stupid hat for such a stupid boy. Arya smiled to herself.

She should make more of an effort to talk to him and be his friend. They are around the same age. Who knows how long they have left in this world, she should have been getting to know him this whole week.


Rick's voice brought Arya back to reality and she watched Rick jump up and shoot towards where the gun shots were, then she watched as Rick ran towards them.

Carl was on his feet at that point, he was running towards her. The stupid boy was coming to save her.

And then everything went black.


It was a normal day in the apocalypse. Gendry and Arya had been checking the houses on the new neighborhood they stumbled upon.

The first house they checked through the window and saw that it had about five walkers in the living room. Gendry made a joke about dead people in a living room.

The next house they checked looked clear, until Arya found a raccoon in one of the cupboards and refused to stay there.

The third house was a safe haven. They cleared the house in three minutes, there was only 2 biters inside. And it was stocked with food. Cereal, granola bars, five gallons of water, a hundred cans of fruits and vegetables.

"We could stay here! We could live here for a little while!" Gendry looked at Arya and he was actually smiling.

Arya smiled back at him.

And then Gendry did something Arya thought would never happen in a million years.. He kissed her.

His lips felt hot against Arya's, she opened her mouth to breathe and Gendry took that as an invitation to stick his tongue in her mouth, which she didn't mind in the slightest.

They kissed until they were both breathing heavily.

"S-sorry I didn't mean-"

Arya shut him up with another kiss.

She stared into his eyes and smirked, "Shut up."

Gendry smirked back at her, "Thats not very lady like."

Arya laughed and punched him in the arm.

They ate until they felt sick and then they both found a bed to rest in upstairs.

"I don't know how things work now.." Gendry had started to say as he played with Arya's hair. "But I like you, Arya."

Arya looked at him and her heart leapt with joy. It was her and him against the world now. He was everything she had left, he helped her keep the old her around.

"I like you too, stupid."

Gendry laughed and got up to go downstairs to get some water.

Arya laid in bed thinking about all the things Gendry and her could do when the world gets back to normal.

Arya didn't realize she dozed off until she woke with a start because of a loud bang.

She jumped up and grabbed her sword off the nightstand, she expected to see Gendry in the room but was confused when he wasn't there.

Surely he's the one making noise downstairs, he could attract stray biters roaming around if he makes anymore noise..

She tiptoed down the stairs and made her way towards the kitchen, she walked into something when she stepped off the last stair, she fell backwards and looked up.. A random dead face was staring back at her, it's decomposing arms outstretched towards her.

Arya pushed herself back up the stairs using her arms and legs to move backwards and then she stood up and plunged her sword through it's skull. She kicked it with all her might to pull her sword out of it's brain.

She thought they cleared the house? Where was Gendry? Did we leave a door open?

Arya ran to the kitchen and saw what caused all the noise.. A majority of the cans were knocked onto the floor and Gendry was laying on the floor next to the cans, covered in blood.

"No, no, no." Arya ran to him and dropped her sword along the way.

He had a bleeding bite mark on his neck and his skin was cold as ice.

"Gendry, please wake up." Arya whispered as she cradled his head in her lap.

Then it hit her, even if he did wake up he would turn. Arya started crying then.

The only thing she had left was leaving her. She didn't want to be alone.

Gendry started to move in her hands and Arya felt a surge of happiness. She would be able to talk to him one last time, to kiss him and tell him she'd be okay, she would survive for him.

But when Gendry opened his eyes, the icy blue eyes Arya had found comfort in we're glossed over and the look in his eyes looked lost.

"No!" Arya yelled and backed away from Gendry, as she backed away her sword found it's way under her sweaty palm.

Gendry crawled towards her as Arya kept backing away.

She couldn't leave him like this, he wouldn't if it was her..

Arya stood up and jammed her sword straight through his skull. She pulled her sword away and closed his eyes. Then she ran out of the house and ran away from it until the sun came up and her body hurt.


Arya felt herself coughing and the pain was unbearable.

She also felt something in her right hand, she thought it was her sword but she's left handed. When she squeezed her right hand she felt someone squeeze back.

When she opened her eyes she saw blue eyes staring back at her.

"G-Gendry?" She coughed out.

"It's Carl, you're going to be okay. We're almost home."

Home. Arya didn't have a home. Arya had no one to go home to.

Arya didn't have another moment to speak because her world turned black again.

(AUTHORS NOTE: Hello readers! I hope you're enjoying my story! I know the story is probably starting off a little shakey but I have a plan, I promise. I have an idea of where I'm taking this story and I plan on there being maybe 20 chapters. But who knows, there could be more and there could be less. Don't forget to vote if you like the story! And please comment! I'd love to hear feedback!)

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