All we do is run

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The room was dark and smelt like rotting meat, there was a dim light glowing in the corner of the room, but every time Arya tried to move towards it, the light kept getting further away.


Arya woke with a start. It was the middle of the night, all lights were out, but she could hear talking outside her door.

She stood up and equipped herself with her weapons. Arya moved closer to the door and slipped into her shoes.

"Just stand outside their damn door, alright? I ain't got the time to be fuckin' 'round with ya."

That was Merle, no doubt about it. When did he get back? Stand guard? Did that mean he found Michonne?

She couldn't just stand by while they held that woman prisoner, she didn't want to be here.. Just like Arya.

Maybe if she helped Michonne escape, she would let Arya travel with her, just for a little while..

When Arya heard the retreating footsteps she quietly opened the door and snuck out.

The walk out of the building was too quiet and it took forever.

Arya didn't even know where to look, where would they hold someone? How would Arya even get past the guards?

Her question was answered when she creeped around the corner and went into the alleyway. At the end of the alley, Merle had just walked into a small building followed by the guy she assumed he had been talking to.

She'd hold Merle at gun point if she had to, she would get Michonne and Needle and then they would leave.

Arya took a deep breath and opened the door, the room she stepped into looked like it had been a waiting room, she quietly shut the door and walked towards the back, she peeked through the door with the window and saw the man standing outside a door, he looked angry and tired.

But where was Merle?

"What're ya doing following me kid?"

Arya jumped and pulled her gun out then aimed it at Merle.

"Aw c'mon now, you're not gonna shoot me are ya? That would just make it harder for you to get out of this place."

"Let Michonne go. And I want my sword, I'm leaving. Now."

Merle smirked. "I ain't got Michonne. And I'll help ya leave, I got your sword back in my room. I just gotta pack a bag and we can be on our merry way."

"What?" Arya asked dumbfounded.

He was going to help her leave? He was going to leave with her? She didn't want to go anywhere with him.

"Listen Cat, we don't have the time to talk logistics here. We have to go."

Merle grabbed her arm and started pulling her along.

Arya let herself be dragged for a moment and then started hitting Merle.

"No! I don't want to go anywhere with you! And if you don't have Michonne who is that guy guarding? Let go of me!"

Merle stopped and then grabbed Arya by her shoulders and looked her in the eyes, his intense gaze shut Arya up.

"If ya wanna live you're gonna come with me whether you like it or not, sugar. I'm nothing compared to the Governor and most of his people, do you understand me? They will kill you, and some of the men... Lets just say you'd be wishing you were dead if they got ahold of you. I didn't find the damn bitch when I went out looking for her, I brought back people from my old group.. People that were with my baby brother. And they say he's still alive so were leaving, they're gonna take me to him."

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