Not so broken

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When the girl looked at Carl, she looked at him with curiosity at first, and then she rolled her eyes at him.

Carl wouldn't of known she was a girl if it hadn't been for Maggie referring to her as 'she'.

"How long you gonna stare at me, officer?" The girl snapped at Carl.

"Who are you?" Rick jumped forward then, getting in the girls face.

"Woah now, she's with me."

Rick scoffed. "Oh, like that's supposed to make me feel better?"

"She got stuck staying at Woodbury, alright. She's got no family, no group.."

Carl noted the girls demeanor change when Merle said that.

"And look at her, she's a kid."

Michonne and Daryl came down then.

"She's alright Rick, she got brought in the same day I did."

Michonne looked at Arya with wonder and Daryl stared at his brother like he couldn't believe his eyes..

"Merle?" Daryl said quietly.

"Hey baby brother! Bet ya thought I was dead on that rooftop huh? Bet ya thought ya would never see Ol' Merle again."

"We knew ya weren't dead on the rooftop.. We went back for ya man.."

"Shoulda never been left there in the first place!" Merle scowled.

Rick looked over the girl and then took another step forward. The girl stepped back. Rick raised his hands.

"Can I take your weapons?" Ricks tone changed, he was much more gentle.

"Why does everyone want my weapons? This is the apocalypse for fucks sake! I'd like to be able to defend myself if need be and they're my weapons." The girl snapped.

Merle laughed and Carl smirked.

She couldn't be older than he was, yet here she was, mouthing off to officer Rick Grimes.

When Rick looked over at Carl, he put his serious face back on.

"Your new job, you keep an eye on her."

"Like a prisoner?!" The girl exclaimed looking back between Carl and Rick with a look of disgust.

"Just to make sure you can be trusted. What's your name?"

The girl crossed her arms and bit her lip.

"Arya." She said quietly.

"Well, Arya.. I'm Rick, and this is my son, Carl."

Rick gestured to Merle. "We got things to discuss about 'Woodbury'."

Rick brought Maggie in for a hug and shook Glenn's hand. "Glad to have you back."

Carl got ready to give his gun back to his father but Rick put a hand on Carl's shoulder.

"Show her to an empty cell, get her food and water. Keep an eye out."

Rick started back towards the cell blocks and everyone gradually followed.

"So, Carl.. I don't need you to babysit me. Just show me to my ..cell? Geez, lovely home.. A prison."

Carl cleared his throat.

"You know, you should be grateful you're even here. My dad didn't have to let you stay."

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