Chapter 4

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Harry's P.O.V

 I walked to the cafeteria with Liam. He kept on pestering me on why Louis was taking such a liking to me. But to be honest I couldn't answer him. I had no idea. I'm a no body and he is a definite somebody. I wonder why he is taking such a liking to me. I wonder if he really does. Like me back. But anyway so me and Lima got into the cafeteria and sat down in our normal table in the back corner. From there not many people wanted to make the venture to bother with me and plus Liam was with me. I sat there as Liam got us both lunch knowing if I went up either I would get flung at me or some one was bound to trip me and make me fall into my food. So either way food wouldn't be in my mouth. But today was different... I looked up from the book I was still reading and saw Louis coming over along with Liam. I internally groaned knowing that Liam would be all protective and Louis would be all flirty like he has been all day. I looked down at my book and suck in my seat hoping it would absorb me and I wouldn't have to go through this. I heard someone sit down next to me and I could tell it wasn't Liam. I looked over and saw the none other infamous Louis Tomlinson.

"Hey harry! Could I sit here today?"

"I guess sure.." I gulped as Liam sat down and moved me a little closer not wanting me to get hurt knowing that Louis was a complete asshole you plays with peoples hearts. I looked at Liam who looked me eye brow raised. I could feel the tension and he spoke.

" So Louis I see you have taken quite an interest to my friend Harry."

" Yeah he is cute and adorable how could I not."

" Well you have been bullying him for years Louis."

" So people can change."

I looked up at Liam who rolled his eyes. I looked at Louis who was starting to eat. I sighed to myself maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. But I guess I spoke too soon because Louis spoke up.

" So Harry I'm gonna be throwing a party this Friday would you like to come?"

I paled as the words party came out of his ,mouth. I normally don't go to parties. I'm just the kid who nurses the beer and stands there against the wall until he gets to unbearable and they just leave. I started to frantically try and think of an excuse. Oh! There is a math test  on Monday. Yes, I don't have to go to the party.

" Oh uh sorry Louis but I have to study for the math test." He gave me a confused look as he spoke and his friends Zayn and Niall. Niall laughed as Louis just stared at me blankly.

" Don't worry harry. He doesn't study. I don't think he ever has at all haha."

I nodded and just sat there not really knowing what to say trying to switch the subject but Louis spoke to soon.

" Hey Harry your smart right?"

" uh yeah why?"

" Well then you don't need to study! So now you can come to my party this Friday!"

I gulped and glanced at Liam who Niall was now talking to. I sighed knowing he wouldn't help me and some girl I think her name was Perrie dragged Zayn away. So now I'm stuck. I have no one else to turn to.

"So anyway you gonna come or not?"

"Oh uh I need to us go to the bathroom."

I quickly shot up and speed walked.. Oh lets face it I ran to the bathroom. I ran like there was no tomorrow. Once I was in the bathroom I locked it  and groaned. What have to done to deserve this?!

Louis's P.O.V

I sighed as I watched him run to the bathroom. I sighed and put my head in my hands with my elbows on the table.

" God dammit I thought I had him! Is he even ok?" I sighed as Liam turned from where he was talking and smiling with Liam.

" Oh don't worry Lou he is fine. He is just overwhelmed. He isn't use to getting invited to parties. Most people don't invite him and if they do it is because they wanna embarrass him. Sadly he has learned the hard way."

" Oh..." I looked down then at Niall who was smirking and I glared at him. I sat there thinking of how to get Harry back. I seriously think I'm starting to like him. This isn't good! How on earth am I supposed to get him back. I really fucked up this time... I groaned until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Liam.

" Louis don't worry... I know things will work out for you guys ok."

" How do you know?"

" Well he told me something but you need to promise not to tell anyone ok."

I nodded and he spoke again. " Well Harry has been my best friend for the longest time and well he really likes you Louis and when I mean he really likes you he really really likes you. He is all you talk about on some days."

I sat there I shock. is he kidding me. OH god I am really gonna break this poor boys heart. But maybe I won't.. maybe we could have a secret relationship... Oh I doubt it but it would be worth a shot. Now all I could do is hope for the best. I can't break this poor boys heart I can't. But on the other hand I am definitely not loosing this bet. But anyway here I got I'm gonna go see if he is ok. I need to at least make sure he is. Maybe if I do this he will even go to the party with me. Oh a boy can only hope.

The bet. *Larry stylinson love story*Where stories live. Discover now