Chapter 13

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Harry's P.O.V

I smiled as Louis helped me into my house. I looked around a little bit seeing if my mum was home. I sighed but soon winced at the sharp pain in my rib cage and leaned back into Louis chest.

" You ok Haz?"

"Yeah I'm ok, thanks Lou."

He nodded and picked me up and brought me to my room.

"Here stay here while I get you some lunch since I know you haven't eaten yet."

I rolled my eyes and layed in my big comfy bed.

"Yes father."

"Hey I'm just looking out for you babe. We can't have you getting hurt again before you mom comes home. Hey where is she anyway?"

"Oh she is most likely at work. She works odd hours a lot but it's ok when I have you."

I smield as he kissed me before he left to go downstairs. I then heard the front door open and my moms voice. Oh lord she doesn't even know how Louis is. She is gonna definitaly freak out.

Louis' P.O.V

I heard the door open as I made Harry a protein smoothie since he could only eat soft food as my mom put it. I didn't really pay attention until I heard a woman speak.

"Umm who are you, and why are youin my kitchen?"

I went wide eyed and turned out stopping the blender.

" Oh uh I'm Harry's boyfriend."

"That doesn't eplain why you are here. You shouldn't be here because Harry is with his father at the moment."

I gulped forgetting that she didn't know yet until I heard Harry from the bottem of the stairs and ran to help him the rest of the way.

"Hi mum.."

"Harry what happened to you! Oh ym god it was your father wasn't it! I am gonna kill that bastard!! How could he even do that to his child! Thats it I'm calling the police on him!"

"Mum he is already arrested there is no need. So is my old bully Micheal... Dad and Micheal beat me last night until I could barly keep myself awake and Louis came to save me. He brought me to the hospital and stayed with me the whole time."

I watched as Harry's mum hugged him and sighed.

"Oh god I'm so happy your ok baby. Thank you so much Louis, I'm Ann Harry's mom."

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Louis Tomlinson Harry's boyfriend."

Once she let go I stuck my hand out for her to shake but she hugged me tightly instead. Once she let go I smiled and held Harry close as he leaned back into my chest. I put him back in bed and gave him his smoothie and went back downstairs to Ann.

"So Louis tell me about yourself."

"well I'm 18 going on 19 in a couple of months. I have four sisters. All of them are older then me but one his a half sister. She is only my sister becuase her dad troy married my mom. My dad left when I told him I was gay, so he isn't in the picture anymore. No one knows I'm gay though. Only my mom and you and Harry. Everyone else thinks I swing both ways but that isn't true at all. Umm I play soccer I sing sometimes and I only wear this lip ring and some of these tattoos beuase I wanna look tuff. But All my tattoos have a hidden meaning to them all."

I smiled once I was done and she smiled back.

"Well I want you to take very good care of my Harry. he is a very fragile boy and deserves nothing but the best god it?"

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