Chapter 7

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Harry's P.O.V

Once Friday hit I couldn't wait for the party. I had been giddy all day through out school which made Liam and sometimes Louis laugh at me. But anyway I stood at my closet trying to find something to wear. God I feel like a teenage girl on her first date. I then saw my phone light up to reveal a text from Louis


From: Loulou

Hey Hazzabear I can't wait to see you tonight. You know you were very cute today. I loved the different sweater vest. If you change so god help me I will hurt you. I want my little innocent Hazzabear with me not some punk rocker or whatever. ok????

I giggled at the text goddd I need to stop this. I am almost a gown man for god sakes!!



OK babe. I'll make sure not to change before I go. Anyway I need to go get ready ill see you later though bye!

I smiled and sent it and made a few minor touches as my mom called me down.

"Harry why are you giggling like a little girl. I can hear you from the kitchen!"

I sighed and went down stairs and went to the kitchen.

"Sorry mum I was just excited I guess."

"And for what? Because I would love to know haha."

" Well I got invited to a party by Louis and yeah.."

"SO Louis must be the boy who dropped you off yesterday because it sure wasn't Liam. SO I take it you like this Louis fellow."

I blushed and she laughed at me and I pouted.

"It's not funny!"

"Oh my little Hazza is growing up! I can't believe it! It feels like just yesterday you were taking your first steps."

"Mom stop it." I whined as she went on I looked at the time and mentally cheered since it was a way to get out of this.

"Well anyway I must be off the party will start soon!"

I texted Liam to come and get me since I couldn't take my moms car and I waited for him out side. Once he arrived I told him Louis address and sighed.

"So you excited for the party tonight?"

I nodded knowing if I talked I would sound like a teenage girl as I would gossip.

"Ok so Haz I just wanna say be careful. I don't want that dickhead ruining your night. So if he hurts you tell me because I well fucking hurt him."

I sighed. "I know Li don't worry I will be fine I may be a nerd hut I can fend for myself." I looked st him as I lied through my teeth knowing I could never fend for myself. All I am is a tall lankyass curly haired nerd.

"where here."

I looked up at Liam as he talked and nodded.

"ok well bye Li I'll call you later."

With that I walked into the party and saw Louis and smiled. I looked at him as I he walked/stumbled over and hugged me. I could tell he was drunk but it didn't smell all that much of beer.

"Hey Hazzabear I see you got my text from earlier."

I nodded and blushed as he kissed my cheek.

"So is it just you or did your protecter Liam come too?"

"Oh uh no he just threatened that if you hurt me then he will personally kill you slowly and painfully." I said hoping to lighten up the mood that had tensed from Louis tone of voice when talking about Liam.

"Ahh well he doesn't need to worry about that because I could never hurt you."

I blushed again and looked down or well tried but he kissed me before I could. I kissed back and felt him smile against my lips, but soon felt him pull back. I looked at him confused until he looked up with dazed eyes and I spoke.

"Lou is there something wrong?"

I watched as he swayed back and forth and soon passed out. I saw Niall abd Zayn watching. I put Louis upstairs and went over.

"Uh is somthing wrong with Louis? He just passed out and I don't know what to do." I looked st them as I spoke in a panic that something could be really wrong with him. That was until Niall spoke up.

"Well he didn't want you to know but he takes drugs and he took a little to much tonight so thats why he passed out. But don't worry we can take care of him why don't you go leave now. Your mommy is probably wondering where you are."

I glared at them as they laughed at what Niall said and i stormed upstairs to where I put Louis and sat with him and looked down knowing that i didn't belong here, but i couldn't show them that. I can't just let them do that to me anymore. I sighed and kissed Louis forehead and layed down next to him.

Niall's P.O.V 

As me and Zayn laughed about what i said we didn't Harry anymore so we jsut assumed it worked. So we decided to go check on Louis and throwing out his drink since it had some dissolvable pill thing Zayn got from one of his friends while he was getting beer for the party. I walked upstairs with Zayn when i saw the unexpected. I saw Louis passed out and Harry cuddled up next to him looking like he was gonna cry, but was fighting it. I looked at Zayn who had the same shocked expression as me. But he actually spoke up takign it all a step further.

" What the fuck are you doing here nerd! We already told you to leave!"

You could see Harry jump and look up scared and at a loss for words. I mean yeah i don't wanna loose the bet but is it really all that bad? I mean yeha i cna be an asshole and this was parcially my idea but that doesn't mean I'm a heartless person.

"I uhhh I-I I was just c-checking on him.."

"Well get the fuck-"

I intteruped him and sighed." Zayn stop it he is fucking tembling like a scared puppy just let them go and let's go back to the party.

"No! I'm not becoming his fucking servent for a month!"

I gave Zayn a look and he went wide eyed realizing what he had said and who he had said it infront of.

" Why would you become his servent?"

"Nothing go back to Louis. He will tell you later." I sighed as i talked and guided zayn back to the party leaving a confused Harry behind with a passed out Louis.

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