Chapter 2

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                                                                 Chapter 2

Harry's P.O.V

Once me and Liam were in class in class we went to our seats and I started to read until something so strange happened to me. Someone actually physically talked me other than Liam. Now let me let you that doesn't happen every day. But what is even more shocking is it was my all time major crush... Louis Tomlinson. But sadly I was to shy to talk like I always am. Well not really with Liam but being free with Liam took a few years. But anyway he looked at me and smiled

"Hi...Harry right?"

I nodded slightly and looked up a little.

"could I sit here?" He asked with the most magnificent smile I have ever seen.

I nodded not really trusting my voice what so ever. I mean it's not everyday your all time crush talks to you. He looked at me and tried to make conversation and I could tell her was trying but I just couldn't talk. So I sat there reading and listening and giving the occasional nod to show that I was listening to him. When our teacher Mr.T walked in.

"ok everyone open your science books to page 405 and take your notebook out" Mr.T said as I marked my page in my book and took out my notebook and science book and started taking notes. I noticed Louis looking around for his book when I realized he didn't have it but I didn't say anything. But soon enough he nudged me.

"hey harry I forgot my book could we share yours?" He asked me and again flashed me one of those breath taking smiles. nodded slightly and slid my book over and kept taking notes and he started taking notes.

"Thanks Harry" He whispered to me most likely so we wouldn't get in trouble for talking since Mr.T was one of more stricter teachers. I finally got the courage to talk but it came out as a barly audible whisper.

"Y....Y..Your w..we..welcome..."

I saw him smile and we sat in silence for the rest of class. At the end of class Liam came up to me and gave me a confused look

"Hey Haz why was  Tomlinson sitting with you?"

"I have no idea actually it was a little weird haha"

" ohh ok well come on lets go to our next class."

"ok what is it?"


I nodded and walked with him not really liking gym. It wasn't the best exploratory to have.

Louis' P.O.V

I got up at the end of class and walked with Zayn and Niall to gym and talked with them. Niall looked at me once he saw how easy Harry talked to Liam

. "Hey Lou how was It?"

"It was ok it was pretty akward he barly talked. Like I tried to start conversation but all he did was nod. But I he did talk a little before class started. But it was small and barly audible. I think he said your welcome but he stuttered and it was a really low whisper."

"Ahh well come on lets go change for gym while we still have time."

Zayn and I nodded and followed Niall into the men's locker room only to see Harry half naked next to who I am guessing is Liam Niall and Zayn smirked at me and walked off. I groaned inwardly and walked to my locker and got changed quickly and went over to Harry since Liam just left. He didn't quite notice me at first since he was putting on his gym shirt. But when he turned around and saw me and I swear he jumped up at least 5 feet. I saw Zayn and Niall laugh to themselves and walk out. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him.

"Hi Harry"

He smiled a tad bit at me but that's all I got before he quickly scurried into gym. I sighed and followed soon after and we got into our exorcise spots as our gym teacher Mr. M says. We did our normal warm ups which consisted of 25 jumping jacks, 15 push ups, 25 sit ups and last but not least was the 1 minute plank challenge. I hated that one the most but I got over it and did it. Soon after Mr. M called us to the white board and I smiled and looked over at Zayn and Niall when I saw the word soccer as the main topic of the week in gym. He explained it and the history but I zoned out until he called my name which was probably for being caption which it was. I got up and stood next to the other caption which was Niall. I then heard him say we could pick partners so I went first.


Harry looked up and looked at me surprised since even i know he was always picked last and now he was being picked first. I laughed to myself as he stood next to me and Niall started to pick.




I could see that Harry was a tad bit upset that Liam wasn't on his team but he just stood there looking down like the floor was the most interesting thing since sliced bread. I sighed and picked again





After about six more people the teams were set and we went out and there and since no one wanted to be goalie Harry was stuck with that position. After the game really started I noticed that Harry was actually a better goalie than I thought he was. He didn't let the ball get past him at all pretty much. I smiled and watched him block another ball. Wow he actually might not be that bad. After the game was over we all walked back to the locker rooms and I went over to Harry who was just sitting there waiting for something.

"Hey Harry um nice job out there. I didn't know you could play like that."

He smiled and did the unthinkable he talked to me


I smiled and replayed his voice in my head. It was sort of deep but not. It was also so raspy. God it was just beautiful. Wait.. what am I saying. I'm not supposed to like him. No. No No. I will not like him. he is just a stupid bet. I sighed and noticed harry looking around.

"Um are you looking for something or..."

" o..oh uh no my uh f..friend Li sh..should be c..coming out from the lockers soon."

"oh well do you wanna go with me we have all the same classes."

"oh.. uh sure I g..guess."

I smiled and walked with him ready to win this bet. I was gonna win and I will not fall in love with him.

The bet. *Larry stylinson love story*Where stories live. Discover now