Chapter 9

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Harry's P.O.V

I sighed as i woke up the next day to my mom shaking me gently.

"What."  I groaned and buried my head in my pillow. I heard someone other then my mom chuckle and my head popped up from my pillows and saw Louis and went wide eyed.

"How did you get here?"

"I drove here and then your mom let me in and then she decided it was to late for you to still be sleeping and woke you up I wanted to jsut sit there and watch you and smother you with kisses until you woke up but she wanted to wake you up now."

I pouted and glared at my mom.

"What haha you needed to wake up now it's almost one in the afternoon hunny."

I groaned and shooed my mom away and rolled my eyes as she winked at me and sat up.

"So what are you doing today Hazzabear?"

"Nothing much i planned on doing some homework and then Liam wanted me to help him ask Niall out later."

I saw something strange in his eyes but i couldn't quite place it when i mentioned Liam asking Niall out but i bruhed it off as happiness for his friend and pulled him down and cuddled with him.

"Well instead of homework how about we go out and go shopping."

"Why would we need to go shopping?"

"Hmm well this is onyl if you want but i was wondering if maybe you wanted to change your style a little. Like no slickling you hair back, no more sweater vests, no more dress shoes, and mostly black and band tees."

I took a minute or two to think. Yeah i have always wanted a change but i still like dressing like this. But again i do need a change. I have been dressing like this forever so yeah maybe this will be good.


I Smiled as he left the room as i got dressed and ready and I said goodbye to my mom and left with Louis.

"OK so here is our scedual for today. We eat breakfast go shopping and we go to Liam's to help him with Niall."


I smiled and held his hand as he drove but only becuase he kept on buging me about it since I didn't want to hold it while he was driving.

"Lou you are already a recklass driver jus tlet me drive and you can hold my hand then."

"No my car I drive so just hold my hand." I giggled as he whined and i held his hand to shut him. We then drove to a little tea shop that I chose and went in and sat down and ordered. As we ate i saw Louis figitiing a little bit.

"Louis is there somthing wrong? Did I do something? Did i say something to upset you. Even earlier when I mentioned Liam and Niall you had some weird look in your eyes. I just wanna know."

He sighed and grabbed my hand and spoke

" It's nothing babe ok. I just.. I've been so worried about things but it wasn't something you did. So just don't worry ok Haz?"

I sighed abd nodded and finished up and went back to his car. I smiled as we drove to the mall but instantly dreaded it when I saw one of my worst bullies, Micheal. I calmed my self hoping Louis didn't notice and got out eith him only to lock eyes with Micheal.  At this point Louis noticed something was up and he stepped infront of me.

"Is there someting wrong babe? Are you ok?"

I nodded and swollowed the lump in my throat that I didn't even know was there and Louis took my hand in his and started walking to the entrance. I saw out of the corner of my eyes Micheal walk over to us.

"Hey Harry. Looks like we meet again." He snarled. "Oh and look he even has a little fag with him."

I winced as Louis held my hand tighter and just kept looking down. I knew Louis wouldn't know Micheal becuase he had graduating early for some unknown reason and hoped that Louis wouldn't do anything that he didn't regret.

"Harry I'm talking to you. You know it isn't nice to ignore someone when they are talking to you."

"You know what why don't you just go back to your friends and leave him alone asshole."

"What if I don't want to and why are you even protecting him he is nothing, he is worthless"

At that moment i felt Louis let go of my hand and I heard a crack and a groan. I looked up to Louis with a little bit of blood on knuckles that were now a bit bruised and Micheal on the cement clutching his nose in pain with blood gushing out of it. I gasped and looked at Louis who just grabbed my hand and led me inside.

"How does he know you Harry?"

"He-- he was my worst bully. he graduatated a year or so early for unkown reason." As I spoke i saw Louis clench and unclench his fists and look at me.

"If anyone ever touches you or even looks at you the wrong you tell me and i make sure they will never do that got it?"

I nodded and he sighed and kissed me and starting walking to a darker looking store. I gulped a little afraid of it until he slinked his arm around my waist and gave me a reasuring squeeze. We walked in and some song came on that I didn't know but apprently Louis did becuase he started humming along as he took me deeper into the store.

"What size are you babe?"

I shrugged hoping he wouldn't question me oh how I did know. I mean it's not my fault mymom has bought all of clothes by now. I saw him smirk and I could only imagine what he was thinking.

"Take off your shirt and we can look"

I groaned oh lord help me now.

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