Chapter 18

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Harry's P.O.V

I sighed as Jay woke me up the next day telling me to go home and get some rest that she had it from there but I didn't listen and stayed holding Louis hand quietly mummbling to him every so often, I hate this. I feel so guitly, like it is all my fault. I haven't eaten or left his side since last night. Niall and Jay tried to make me leave along witht he nurses once visiting hours left but they soon gave up when they realized I wouldn't budge. I will not leave his side until he wakes up. Weither he remembers me or not I will be with him. I stayed like this most of the day until I felt him move his finger and went wide eyed.

"Louis if you can hear me please do that again please!"

He did it again and I smiled. I kissed his cheek and held his hand. I quickly called Jay to tell her since she had to check in and tell what happened in work.

"Hey Harry is everything ok?"

"He moved!"

"What do you mean he moved?"

"He moved his hand I felt it, I saw it. Jay maybe that means that he will wake up!"

" Oh my god that is great Harry! Ok well I am gonna finish up here and then I will bring you something to eat."

"Ok bye."

I hung up and kissed Louis hand.

"Don't worry Lou your gonna wake up and we are gonna live happily ever after."

I then heard Jay come in with food but I just wasn't hungry. I couldn't eat and the only way I slept is if i couldn't keep my eyes open. I smiled and so did she. Jay then handed me my food which I thanked her for and then set down on the table by Louis bed.

"You know Harry you need to eat."

"Yeah I know I'm just not hungry I'll eat it later. I just want him to be ok and wake up."

"I know you do and so do I, but he will and we have to keep thinking positive."

"I know I will."

I sighed and sat there as Louis moved his hand again and it moved towards the food.

"See even he wants you to eat haha."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed it and started to eat slowly. I  smiled and talked with Jay until she had to go get Louis sisters from there camp thing or whatever and sighed.

"I swear to god I am done with hospitals. If you ever make me come back to the hospital  after your better I will hurt you haha."

I saw a small twitch of his lips to form a small smile and I kissed Louis hand.

Louis' P.O.V

I knew I wasn't in my car anymore and that I was coherant but I couldn't move. Everyone kept saying that I wasn't ok but I feel fine. I looked around but all I saw was darkness. But I could hear voices, I heard them say that they had to put me in a coma and that I wasn't stable. I tried to move but I couldn't it's like my mind was screaming for my body to move but it wouldn't. I felt someone hold my hand and I heard crying. I could tell that crying from anywhere is was Harry. I felt my hand being let go and I heard someone whispering to Him. It was Niall, he had told him about what happened and Harry said that he would always remember me and he hoped that I would remember him when I woke up. I tried to move my body to tell him that I'm ok but it just isn't working. I kept hearing mummbling things to me and telling me I was gonna be ok. I sighed annoyed that I couldn't tell him how much I love him. I heard reject food thats i smelt to be nandos and I frowned. I tried to move my hand like I had before. I managed to move it closer and I heard my mum laugh and I heard a bag crinkle. I smiled not knowing my lips also twitched at Harry eating. I sighed to myself what if they give me a time line and I don't wake up when they want me to. Will they kill me? Will they pull the plug and let me die? What will they do? I felt a heavy weight on my hand and I heard a female laugh. I then heard Harry's deep sleep filled voice and the weight come off my hand.

"You do you visiting hours ended a half an hour ago right?"

"Yeah but I'm not leaving and before you tell me no Dr. M gave me permission to sleep over night with him. He is my boyfriend."

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm Perrie."


"You know my boyfriend Zayn is bestfriends with him. But he refuses to see him. He claims that even if he is in a coma he would never go see a fag. I guess Niall told him about everything after he told you. "

"How on earth do you know all this?"

"Hmm Zayn comes on home late a lot so I check his phone every so often to mame sure he is't cheating and I talk to Niall every day since he is my next door neighbor."


I couldn't hear much more as I felt I was drifting away. I felt like a feather like I could just float away as if Harrys hand was the only thing keeping me down. I saw a light and I tried to follow it but the more I ran towards it the more it drifted away and got smaller. I heard yelling and heard Harry fro a docter.Oh no what if something was wrong!? What if I was dieing!?! I heard them yelling again and so did the light. It kept getting brighter and brighter until i couldn't keep my eyes open. But when I did open them I couldn't help but smile.

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