Chapter 11

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Harry's P.O.V

Once Louis left my dad grabbed my arm in a death grip and dragged me to the car. I bit back the whimper rising in my throat scared that it l just make it worse. I got into the car and looked down at my hands on his lap.

"Who the fuck was that you worthless bitch?!"

I winced at his tone and  sunk into my seat until he grabbed my hair and made me look at him.

"I said who the fuck was that!?"

"H-he he is my boyfriend."

I saw him glare and he punched me hard in the face. I held back my whimper and looked down as we drove in silence. Once we got home I grabbed my things and waited for him to open the door. I knew he was just taking his sweet time because it was only me that wanted to go inside. But once he finally got to the door and opened it I rushed upstairs and it my things away, or at least I started to. Not even two minutes into me putting my stuff away I heard him yell my name. I rushed down stairs as fast I could not wanting to anger him more.

"Yes sir....."

"Go clean the house and make dinner. We have company oh and get the bruise covered, we wouldn't want anyone to see that."

I nodded and mopped, swept, and waxed the floors so they were shiny. I sighed as I looked around at the bags of trash and took them out and started to make dinner. I knew that my dad would like his favorite meal so I made just that. Once I was finished I took a shower and covered the bruise. I sighed and got dressed as the door bell rang. I heard my dad if I could call him that open the door. I walked downstairs only to see my worst enemy. I saw Micheal as he dad talked with mine he smitked as he looked at me and I gulped.

" Oh Micheal why don't you and Harry go upstairs while me and his dad talk for a while."

I nodded not wanting to anger him and waited for Micheal before walking upstairs. Once we got to my room he shut my door and locked it and smirked.

"Looks like we are all alone and your little boyfriend can't help you. I bet he is with you just to pity you becuase your so worthless."

I winced and looked down as he talked but soon enough he gripped my hair and yanked it upwards making me look at him.

"Now your gonna do what you told like a good little slut. Now get on your fucking knees."

I nodded and did as told knowing what was going to happen since I was his fuck toy. I heard him unzip his pants and I just took it. After about 10 minutes I cleaned myself up and he smirked even wider.

"Such a good little slut."

I nodded and looked down. I heard him growl and he slapped me across the face. I bit back a whimper. I was grateful though when my dad called us from the bottom of the stairs for dinner. I went down with Micheal. I sat in between Micheal and my dad at our round table and ate. Once I was finished I cleaned up the plates and put them in the sink. I sighed ready for Micheal to leave. But I saw him ask his dad something who then asked my dad something who then nodded. I could only imagine what was asked until I was dragged upstairs with Micheal.

"So my little slut looks like I'm gonna stay the night with you. Now why don't you give me some entertainment. You wouldn't want me to be bored would you? I mena I am your guest anyway."

i nodded knowing what he wanted and stripped. Once I got my last articile of clothing off I felt the first punch of many hit my stomach. I held in a whimper as he punched, kicked, and hit me with his belt. I was so close to passing out that I smiled to myself. But of course, I could never be happy. I was just on the verge of letting my eyes close when I was jolted away by Micheal who was smirking. I looked over and saw my dad start walking over as he left probably to go get clothes. I looked at my dad as he started to undress. I let him as he of course raped me as always. Thats all he ever did when I came home with him, but that was always the worst. I felt as if I had cheated on Louis but I had passed out from pain and from being tired.

Louis' P.O.V

I felt as though something wasn't right. That look that guy gave Harry wasn't right. I sighed as I drove there but once I pulled over I saw that Micheal kid coming out and smriking. I waited until he left and quickly jumped out of my car and saw one of the lights on in the upstairs windows and hoped it was Harry's room. I ran and got a ladder and looked into the window to see a tiny lump under the covers. I crawled into the room threw the window and went over. I saw the familier mop of brown curls and touched him to and foudn he was cold. I gasped as i moved the blanket and saw cuts and bruises all over his fragile looking body. I saw he was naked so I quickly put some boxers on him and picked him up. I slowly got him out of the window and to the ground. I moved the ladder and carried him to the car. Once I got him into the car and situated I quickly drove to the nearest hospital, which jsut so happened to be the hospital my mom worked at. I quickly got out with Harry in my arms adn ran in and saw my mum talking to someone until she saw me.She ran over and took him from me and asked me questions as she got him to a bed.

"He is Harry my boyfriend the boy I was talking about. I think that his dad and this kid named Micheal did this to him."

"Ok it's ok Lou don't worry he will be fine. But he is very lucky you found him or else he would have might nto have made it."

I nodded and watched as she stuck all these tubes on him. Iwatched as she left and I help this hand. I new that mand was no good. I knew he wasn't good. I knew I shouldn't have left him there.

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