7. Bra Shopping & Instagram Drama

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Chapter Seven: "Bra Shopping & Instagram Drama"

"What a fake bitch." Noah scoffed as I finished telling him what I saw at lunch while he and Nathan were in the halls. 

"I know but she's my only female friend." I frowned, pouring myself a cup of Diet Coke. 

"Dude, then make some more." He said as if it was easy. 

"Lil bro, you have no idea how hard it is to have female friends." Cameron chimed in, sitting down next to Sam on the sofa. 

"Yeah, girl's can be really bitchy." Sam added, causing me to roll my eyes. 

"You guys are absolutely right." I told them, sitting at the left end of the sofa, Noah on my right. Cameron and Sam the two 'brothers' sat on the right end of the sofa. They were currently contemplating whether to go to the mall or not. Yeah, your typical Friday night male problems. 

"Oh!" Noah shouted in excitement. "I have an idea!" He squealed turning to face me with a big grin on his face. "How about we go to the mall and you can try to make new girl friends?" 

"Good idea Noah, just please never say 'girlfriends' again." I laughed, grinning at him.

" I laughed, grinning at him

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"I never thought I'd be spending another Friday night at the mall with Noah James." I groaned as he dragged me to Victoria's Secret. Cameron and Sam trailed behind. 

"Come on Ashely! This is where all your future girl friends will be awaiting your entry!" Noah whined as I chuckled. I let him drag me into the store and I looked over to him as I watched his eyes widen. I don't think he realized there would be so many bra's and underwear everywhere.

"Or you could just shop." Cameron said from behind as he and Sam entered the store. 

"With what money?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Do you know who you're shopping with?" Cameron chuckled, gesturing to his little brother Noah. Cameron would be insanely rich too but his parents refused to give him their money cause they wanted him 'to work for his own'. Noah on the other hand was their favorite child, probably since he was the youngest so he had plenty of money of his own.

"Noah motherfucking James." I heard Noah yell as the store ladies gave him weird looks.

"Are you retarded or something?" I heard Sam ask from behind. I turned back to him and gave him a 'stfu' look. 

"I thought we weren't supposed to use that word anymore!" Noah laughed as he picked up a lacy pink bra.

"Dude what are you doing with th-" Cameron was about to say but was cut off when Noah answered his question. 

Noah had put the bra on over his cream colored hoodie and was walking around the store with it on. 

How does this boy even know how to clip on a bra? 

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