26. Daddy Diegos Date

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Warning: Get out your holy water children! This chapter is PG-13 >:)

Chapter Twenty Six: "Daddy Diegos Date"

Vince's hand went down to my thigh, squeezing it as he deepened the kiss. His eyes were closed but mine were open. I looked down at the floor where my Halloween costume was crumpled into a ball. 

Am I actually doing this?

I closed my eyes again as his free hand that wasn't on my thigh slowly crawled up my back and to my bra strap. He groaned into the kiss as he unclipped my bra. He reluctantly stopped the kiss, looking into my eyes. 

"Just don't let them persuade you into anything." 

"Nobody can touch you like that..."  "Except Me."

"Those boys are too old for you."

Everyone's words played in my head as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Is this okay?" He said breathlessly. I didn't know what to say. It felt good but it also felt wrong.

"I-I guess." I stuttered as he nodded his head, taking off my bra, making me feel sort of exposed. Vince smashed his lips into mine again, taking me by surprise as one of his hands cupped my breast. This feeling was strange. Even when drunk I could sense a weird sensation in my stomach.

The sober part of me was telling me to stop but the drunk part of me was telling me to let him do it. 

His free hand went to my exposed knee, moving it slowly up towards my underwear. He broke the kiss and stared at his hand on my thigh. His eyes were filled with lust. His fingers crawled up to the hem of my lace underwear. 

"Cute." Vince commented, referring to my underwear. 

"Thanks..." I whispered, my voice raspy from all the alcohol I had consumed. 

His fingers retrieved back to his side, he roughly tugged a hand through his hair. He started to lay me down on the bed. Vince straddled me, kissing me roughly. His lips tasted good, like bubble gum. He then moved his lips to my neck. He nipped at my neck, leaving hickeys. Vince finally made his way to my stomach. I let out a shaky breath, leaning my head back and closing my eyes tightly. Vince continued his way down he reached the lining of my underwear. 

That's when the door opened.  

"You scumbag fucking cunt." A familiar voice shouted, their tone was full of hate and pure venom. I opened my eyes, grabbing my bra quickly as I sat up. I looked over to see Noah pouncing on Vince. 

"Holy shit Noah!" Vince hissed. "It's just me dude." 

"I know who you are 'dude'." Noah mocked, straddling Vince with his fist inches away from Vince's face, ready to swing. I clipped back on my bra as I stood up from the bed. 

"Guy's." I intervened, concerned. The boys both snapped their heads towards me. Vince wore a confused and worried expression while Noah wore one of pure hatred. "Stop it."

"He is using you Ashely." Noah growled lowly, looking at Vince then back to me. 

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"He got you drunk so he could have sex with you. But then tomorrow he'll treat you like he doesn't know you." Noah glared at Vince as he spoke his words.

"What are you talking about dude?" Vince barked back, his voice now angry. "She said what I was doing was okay."

"Is this true Ashely?" Noah demanded, looking back at me. 

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