8. The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

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Chapter Eight: "The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly."

Kids can be cruel?

No, kids can be extremely petty but never just 'cruel'.

I mean take my 'best friend' Anya per-say, she's currently hanging out with my two mortal enemies next to Chris of course. Lacey Jordan and Jenny Smalls, two sluttiest and rudest girls in Waterboro Highschool. 

"Watch your mouth skank, I see you with Noah all the time. Don't think I'm not watching you." Lacey spat in my fat as I rolled my eyes. 

I had just called out Anya for being a fake friend and I felt pretty good about it. I could see the hurt in her eyes but as soon as Lacey started going off on me for 'calling out her best friend' the sorrow in her eyes turned to pity. 

"Whatever, at least I'm still a virgin so I'm not really a slut if you think about it." I stated then walked out of the gymnasium, I could feel someone trailing behind me but I didn't bother to look back.

I probably should of looked back though because as soon as I was alone in the deserted hall the vibe turned creepy. I slowly turned my head back to see the person I hated with all the bones in my body,

Christopher Halls

"Ashely, I see you've lost your only friend." He chuckled intimidatingly as he got closer to me causing me to stumble back into some lockers. "I guess she realized how much of a loser your really are." He whispered in my ear sending a chill down my spine. 

"Stop." I groaned. He was so close to me that it was almost suffocating. My body was flooded with fear and there was nothing I could do about it. 

"Why?" Chris asked, "What are you so scared of?" 

I took a moment before I answered, "you..." I told him, gulping down my dry saliva. 

"That's really refreshing to hear." Chris said as he let out a menacing laugh that echoed through out the empty hallway. "You want to know something Ashely?" He began pressing my body up against the locker as he aggressively shoved me with his hands. "There are three types of people in this school, The Good, The Bad, And The ugly," Chris then proceeded to shove me to the ground. "You know, like the movie." He then chuckled. "You my friend Ashely, are what we call ugly." Chris spat as he lightly placed his foot on my chest as I let out a small yelp. I had no strength in me to fight back. 

"Why are you doing this?" I whimpered as I looked into his eyes, it was as if he was the devil and he was staring into my soul. 

"Cause the good people like me have to get rid of the ugly people like you." He answered as he proceeded to crush his foot into my ribcage causing me to cry out in pain. Salty tears escaping my eyes as I lay there on the ground.

I blinked once,

then twice,

then three times,

then everything went black.


I opened my eyes for the first time in what felt like forever to be greeted with bright lights. 

No, I wasn't in a hospital.

I was in Noah's guest room. The room that I had slept in from the night of the party. The only remaining question was,

How did I get here?

I closed my eyes immediately, pretending to be asleep as I heard someone enter the room. I heard footsteps near the bed then what sounded like a cup of some sort being placed on the table counter next to me. I then felt my hair being ruffled. 

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