19. Late Night Conversations

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Chapter Nineteen: "Late Night Conversations"

"Sometimes I wonder why life has to be so complicated." Noah sighed as he clutched on the bear I had won for him.

We were walking home from the festival and it was around seven thirty. It was dark and cold out which wasn't great but Noah had the bear to keep him warm. We were walking to Sam and Cameron's since we didn't feel like going home.

Now a days we were barley home.

"I think the same sometimes." I admit with a short shrug. I let out a sigh, my breath forming a small cloud of fog in the air.

"People say that it gets better but it really doesn't feel like it." Noah shrugged. I turned my head so that I was gazing into the side of Noah's head. He felt my gaze on him and turned his head only for his light brown eyes to meet my stare.

"It might some day." I gave him a lopsided smile causing his frown to twitch up a little.

"You're a positive thinker." Noah chuckled lightly before adding, "I like it."

"You like a lot of things about me, don't you?" I grinned at him as we turned the corner onto Sam and Cameron's street.

"Not everything!" Noah defended with a frown on his face. "Just the good things."

"And whats the bad things?" I teased causing him to furrow his eyebrows in thought.

"Well to start off the list, you snore really loud-" Noah began, one hand around the teddy and his free hand scratching the back of his neck. "-you also can't decide on what to wear in less than twenty minutes-" Noah continued the list but I clasped my left hand over his mouth, causing him to shut up.

"I don't need to hear the rest of that list Noah." I warned, squinting my eyes at him. I finally freed my hand from his mouth to see that Noah wore a guilty smile.

"If it makes you feel better the list of things I like about you is way longer." He winks as we finally stop in front of the apartment.

"Exactly how long?" I question with an eyebrow raised at him.

"Well you wouldn't know yet, but I'd say longer than my di-"


With our deep conversation coming to an end we walked inside.


"I think we might die." Nathan bluntly stated as we entered the party full of wasted young adults.

We as in just me and Nathan, for a change.

"That's an under statement." I gulped with wide eyes at the scene before us. "I know we'll die."

A tall and fit boy with shaggy brown hair approached us with his arms wide out as if coming in for a hug, a grin molded on to his face. "Fuller? What in the world are you doing at a college party man?"

The guy strangled Nathan in a hug, burying Nathan's face into his muscular shoulder. "No idea Andrew, not a single idea why I'm here." Nathan chuckled lightly as the boy put him into a headlock, ruffling Nathan's dark hair.

"Well it's good to see you brotha." Andrew sighed as he released Nathan, his eyes finally landing on me. His neck then snapped back to Nathan as he raised an eyebrow at him.

"No, she's just a friend." Nathan caught on as he laughed awkwardly.

At least I'm a friend and not just some girl.

"Nice to meet ya," Andrew paused as he looked at me waiting for me to introduce myself.

"Ashely." I gave him a warm smile.

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