41. At Fault

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Chapter Forty One: "At Fault"

Noah's P.O.V:

"It's going to be okay Noah, trust me, I'm your best friend." He spoke to me in a gentle tone, giving me a genuine smile as he patted me on the shoulder reassuringly. 

"It isn't!" I cried, another tear rolling down my cheek. "She hate's me!" 

"She doesn't hate you at all Noah." Oliver frowned, continuing to keep me calm by rubbing my shoulder. "She sees you as her best friend." 

"Then why doesn't she like me how I like her?!" I demanded, more tears streaming down my face.

"Not everyone you meet in life will feel that way about you Noah." Oliver let out a sigh. "I know it's hard but you got to move on." 

"So like, find a new crush?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"Yes."  He confirmed. 

I knew just who to use as a rebound...

I shot up in bed, sweat covering my forehead. 

That dream... I had it again...

How come I keep dreaming about him? This is all my fault. If I hadn't use Penelope as a rebound he wouldn't of been dead. If he hadn't gotten me mad by talking about Penelope and made me storm off then he wouldn't of been dead. That's why the dream keeps happening I bet. It's because I feel responsible, isn't it? I'm responsible for my best friends death. 

I should probably go back to sleep... It's still three am....

"N-N-Noa-ah," Oliver breathed out, struggling to find his words as he was probably knocked the wind out of from the impact. "I-I ha-d to s-save you."

"You didn't have to!" I screamed, tears escaping my eyes as I hovered over him. People screamed in the background as they saw the scene and I could hear the dude calling 911 in hysterics but I chose to tune it all out.

"I did." Oliver gave me a shit eating grin. As if he wasn't hurt at all but on the inside I knew he couldn't make it, especially how he looked right now. "And I-I'm fine! You s-see?" He joked, despite that it wasn't the time for joking. I squeezed his hand tighter and gave a small sad smile to him before a few more tears fell from my eyes.

"You aren't fine." I inform him, weeping. Olivers toothy grin remains though.

"But I f-feel pretty g-great." He croaks out in a breathless whispered voice. "Don't you feel g-great Noah?"

"Oliver." I whisper, crying harder as his voice level grows quieter.

"Y-you're m-my bes-st f-friend Noah. I love y-you. D-don't f-forget me." Oliver chokes out as he eyes begin to shut. He goes silent for a moment. The sound of his shaky breath is now gone. The only sound I hear are gasps and police sirens. I stand up and wipe away my tears.

I shot up in bed almost right away. I can't live with the guilt anymore. I can't get a wink of sleep without him being in my dreams. 

I check the clock, it's four am. That mean's everyone should be asleep right now... I need to go for a walk, just to clear my head. I quietly slip out of the bed room door, making sure to be extra careful. As soon as I make it to the living room though, I trip over a box of old stuff I hadn't unpacked yet. Tons of nostalgic things come spilling out, I begin to shove them back in the box as quick as possible. I pick up a polaroid that had spilled out of the box...

Its me... It's me and Oliver...

My legs become jelly and I collapse to the ground as I hold on tightly to the photo graph. We looked to be about fourteen in the photograph. We looked so happy. I was so captivated by the photo that I didn't notice I had been balling my eyes out. 

"Noah?" A raspy voice spoke my name, the tone sounded concerned. I looked up from the photo. 

"Ashely." I croaked out, sniffling a little.

"Are you okay?" She asked, looking at me with sad eyes. She was wearing a silky night gown and she still managed to look beautiful in it. The moonlight shining through the window illuminated her. She looked so... Concerned. Concerned about me...

"N-no." I admitted, wiping away a few tears. I handed her the polaroid, not wanting to take another glance at it. I watched as she carefully took it, looking down at it once it was in her hands. Her eyes screamed sadness and her mouth parted slightly like she was lost for words. 

"Oh." Ashely frowned, gently placing the polaroid face down in the box. 

"Yeah." I whispered. 

"I'm so sorry Noah." She sighed, not making eye contact. She sat down across from me on the floor. 

"Don't be." I told her. "It's not your fault."

"It's nobody's fault." She shut her eyes tightly.

"I hope..." I whispered quiet enough so that only I could hear it. 

I really do...

A/N: I'm starting to follow people back who comment on my page so if u want to follow me and comment on my page that'd be cool. I really like the messages you guys leave me. 

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