20. The Search For Nathan

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Chapter Twenty: "The Search For Nathan"

"You know Ashely, that's a lot of food for a little girl like you." Andrew commented as I chucked another plate of steak down my throat. Well, I didn't literally throw it down my throat but you get what I mean.

"Little?" I raised an eyebrow as I let out a dry laugh. "You should of seen how big I used to be."

"What?" Andrew asked as I let out a sigh.

"I used to be a bit heavy on the edges." I muttered, not wanting to say it louder in case the crowd of college kids around heard. 

"Oh." Is all Andrew said, pursing his lips. "Nothing's wrong with that."

"Yeah, you're right." I nodded, furrowing my eyes brows once I realized Nathan was gone. "Where's Nathan?

"You just noticed? He said he was going for a drinks awhile ago and never came back." Andrew shrugged, "I just assumed he got distracted and is up stairs doing the dirty with some hussy." 

"Andrew!" My eyes widened as he said the last part. 

"Oh sorry, I forgot you guy's had a thing." Andrew chuckled lightly as I began to blush profusely for the one thousandth time tonight.

"No no, we don't." I shook my head in denial as he broke out into a lopsided grin, patting me on the shoulder.

"Yet, Ashely. Yet." 

Me and Andrew had just met tonight but we felt like long term friends. It's weird how someone can enter your life randomly and it just feels like you've known them forever. I guess this friendship was just bound to happen. 

"Well should we go look for him or...?" I trailed off, trying to change the subject as I raised an eyebrow at Andrew.

"Uh, we should let him finish his business in the bedroom, I really don't want to walk in on anything." Andrew scratched back of his neck as I widened my eyes even more. 

"Andrew! He isn't doing that!" I frowned as he began to laugh.

"I'm just kidding Ashely." Andrew smirked as he held out his hand for me to take. "Come on, let's go find your knight in shining armor." 

"Andrew your too much sometimes." I rolled my eyes playfully as I took his hand. 

We began to look around for him. I didn't want to get lost again like I did at home coming, especially at a college party. The guys here were rowdy. 

"Don't see him in here." Andrew sighed as we exited the dance room, now entering the drink room where Nathan claimed to be going. I watched Andrew as he towered over the crowd, his tall frame glancing around the room for Nathan. 

"Let me guess... Not here?" I frowned at Andrew as he nodded. 

So then we made our way to the next room.... The basement... It was full of dirty dancing and smokers. God I hope Nathan is not in this one. It was sort of foggy down there, probably from the smoke so it was hard to just glance around like we had done before. We actually had to go into the crowd and check which I was not excited for. Andrew's grip tightened around my hand as he pulled me through a bunch of couples dancing and over to a corner full of smokers. 

Ah, deja vu at its finest. 

"Hey, I remember you..." One of the smokers squinted his eyes at me as he put his cigarette out in an ash tray, pointing his index finger at me as if he was trying to recognize where he knew me from. 

"You do?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion. I glanced over to Andrew who looked amused at the unusual exchange of conversation.

"Yeah... James party." His confused look turned into an amused one. "Hey... That party was kind of a blur for me but how could I forget a face like yours." 

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