30. Boi

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Chapter Thirty: "Boi"

Nathan's P.O.V:

"I just think its stupid that Romano wants to do more 'business' with us even after we paid him the amount he needed." Oliver groaned, flopping down onto Noah's couch.

"I hate the needy bastard." I sigh, exhaling a cloud of cigarette smoke.

"Yeah." Noah grumbles. "And the way he gets all up on Ashely."

"Dude you're whipped." Oliver chuckles.

"I don't like her." Noah glares at him as I roll my eyes.

"We know you do Noah." I comment as Noah's jaw clenches.

"So what if I do?" He finally admits. Well he sort of admits it. Not exactly though.

"You need to make your move dude or someone else is going to." Oliver tells him. Well he's right.

"Like who?" Noah raises an eyebrow.

"Hmmm, let me just get out my list." Oliver dead pans. "Lets see here, Vince, Nathan, dude I don't know, maybe even your brother?" Oliver says sarcastically.

"Okay first of all, Vince is a dick that she wouldn't go for. Second, Nathan wouldn't do that to me. And third, my brother is an idiot." Noah states.

"Who says I wouldn't do that to you?" I smirk, puffing out more smoke.

"Remember the contract?" Noah glares at me.

"You did the same exact thing to me though." I inform him. A look of hurt flashes across his face but disappears as quick as it appears.

"That was different. Penelope told me that she liked me, therefor she chose me." Noah frowns.

"Well I'm pretty sure she liked me as well judging from the way she kisse-" I began to snap back at Noah but Oliver cut us off.

"Enough." He said sternly.

"Sorry." I grumbled. "I was just proving him wrong."

"It's a sensitive subject okay?" Noah huffed, a pissed look mixed with a hint of sadness over coming his facial expression.

"I know man." I sigh, putting my cigarette out in the ash tray. "I miss her too. You're not alone."

"She is irreplaceable." Noah mumbles, fidgeting with his shoe lace.

"Actually," Oliver corrects him, "She's irrelevant." Earning glares from Noah and I.

"You're just jealous Oliver." Noah's glare at Oliver turned into a shit eating grin.

"Of?" Oliver dead panned, an unamused look on his face.

"That I was dating her instead of you-" Noah stammered with a snicker. Oliver pounced on Noah, laughing as they fell off the couch.

"I swear I'm going to kill you one of these days." Oliver glared at Noah, amusement lacing his tone even through the anger in his eyes.

This is real friendship right here.

"Not if I kill you first." Noah smirked as he flipped Oliver around, pulling out some of his hair.

"Noah! Not the hair!" Oliver screeched. I looked at Noah's fist that held a clump of Oliver's hair. I looked over at Oliver to see that he noticed it too. "Oh you're so dead Noah James."

"You'll never catch me alive!" Noah yelped, getting up off of Oliver and running towards his front door.

"At least you'll be dead." Oliver seethed, running after Noah who was now running barefoot around the streets.

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