11. That's a Snake If I've Ever Seen One

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Chapter Eleven: "That's a Snake If I've Ever Seen One"

So there I was. Holding a six foot long boa. Not exactly a Cobra but it was a scary snake for sure.

"Can I touch it?" Oliver asked me. I cautiously nodded. It wasn't venomous but it could still suffocate any of us at any moment.

The Craigslist dude who let us borrow the snake for two hours said he was 'friendly' but you can never trust somebody you meet on Craigslist. Especially if their renting out a snake.

Oliver poked it gently and slowly then backed away in fear as the boa looked him dead in the eye.

"This is way better than slicing a Cobra open." Noah grinned, the boys giving him cautious looks.

"What's with the faces?" I suspiciously asked them. Right away they replaced their strange faces with wide grins.

Even Nathan.

"I feel great." Noah shouted with a freakishly large grin. "Don't you boys?"

"Yeah Noah we do." The boys responded.

"Ashely, aren't you feeling-" Noah eyed me with his scary smile still on his face. "-great?"

"I've never been better." I mused throwing my hands up in exasperation.

"Er, guys-" Oliver interrupted causing us all to snap our heads towards him. "-where's the Boa?"

"I thought you had it?" Nathan chimed in.

"No, Ashely had it." Oliver informed him.

"Uh guys!" Noah squealed, standing up on a wooden chair next to the dumpster.


I forgot to mention we're in an alley way.

"What?" We all asked in unison.

"The- the snake!" Noah stuttered pointing to the large boa who was slithering around in the dumpster.

"How did it even escape?" Oliver exclaimed as the three of us who were standing backed away from the dumpster till our bodies hit the brick building behind us.

"Don't ask me!" Nathan snapped back.

We were all to caught up watching the dumpster to see if the snake would come out to even notice the real commotion going on right before our eyes.

"AHHHHHHHH! IT HAS ME!" Noah shrieked as a plastic bag fell from one of the apartment windows above and onto his shoulder.

Noah's eyes were closed and he was swatting at the bag probably thinking it was the snake.

Me, Nathan, and Oliver all watched in amusement that turned into horror as Noah started to sway back and fourth, so did the old wooden chair.

And that's when it happened.

Noah fell into the dumpster.

The chair leg broke and he fell right into the dumpster.

The same dumpster that the snake was in.

"You've really done it this time Noah." Nathan and Oliver snickered as Noah's screams echoed through the dimly lit alley way.

It was at that moment an old man came running down the alley way shouting at us to stop what we were doing.

He probably thought we were brutally murdering Noah.

At least those are what his screams sounded like.

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