23. Cool Uncle

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Chapter Twenty Three: "Cool Uncle" 

It was Halloween now. 

Half a week has passed since Nathan was hospitalized. His head turned out fine. Noah texted us and said he 'went home' but I think I know better than to believe that. 

"More gang activity has been spotted on the east area of-" Cameron switched the news channel, cutting off the reporter.

"Why'd you change it?" I groan, looking up from my phone to glare at him. 

"The news is boring." He declares, stretching his arms as he yawns.

"I like the news." I mumble, looking back down at my phone.

"Plus, who wants to hear about gang activity, am I right?" Sam piles on as we all turn to look at him. 

"I do." I pout my lower lip.

"Why?" Cameron scrunched up his face in confusion. 

"I don't know... It's interesting?" I mutter as I sip my grape soda. 

"Well guess what's more interesting..." Sam grabbed a box off the table and began to wiggle his eyebrows. 

"What's that box for?" Cameron gestured to the box with a nod. 

"A letter..." Sam had a growing smirk on his face as he started to open the box slowly. 

"From?" I asked, attempting to get a good look in the box but failing. 

"Uncle Phillip."

"Please tell me you're joking." I groaned as I looked over to Cameron who had an eyebrow raised at the situation. 

"Uncle who?" Cameron questioned, I looked over to Sam who was prepared to give his usual speech for each time someone asked who our uncle Phillip was.

"Uncle Phillip is Ashely and I's uncle, incase that part wasn't blatantly obvious already. Since our mom and dad are extremely strict, well mostly our dad, Uncle Phillip lets us get away to his house for a weekend since he lives alone and he lets us throw a party in his mansion while he goes to Vegas. He is pretty rich for an immature thirty year old." Sam finishes his paragraph of a speech with a deep exhale. 

"Dude, you know you could just throw the party here, right?" Cameron chuckled as Sam let out a dry laugh. 

"You've got it all wrong man," Sam shook his head, "Uncle Phillip has a mansion, we live in a two bedroom apartment." 

"How long have you been throwing these parties?" Cameron tilted his head as I bit my lower lip in thought, trying to figure out how many years we had been. 

Sam had always been the main host cause I was never really popular and plus the fact that he was older. I still went to the parties I just didn't exactly GO TO the party if you get my point. I would go lock myself in one of the bedrooms the whole time and watch Netflix on full volume. Even when I was old enough to be at a party I still didn't go down. 

"Since I was around fifteen but when I got sent to boarding school the parties of course stopped cause Ashely refused to continue the tradition on her own." Sam gave me a small glare as he said the last part.

"How come I was never invited to one of these parties?" Cameron cocked an eyebrow at Sam. I pursed my lips as I remembered why I told Sam not to invite him.

"Cause she was afraid you'd invite Noah and Noah bullied her." Sam breathed out quickly. I cringed at the memory of the names he'd call me back in middle school up until this year. 

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