35. Whats Meant To Be Will Find Its Way

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Chapter Thirty Five: "What's Meant To Be Will Find Its Way"

Noah's P.O.V
I followed him out that door almost right after I made up my mind. I could see him at the end of my street. I needed to say sorry. I had to chase after him. I love Oliver. As a friend of course. But I love Penelope too. I can't choose. But I can try to apologize to Oliver.
Maybe I can have both? Maybe Oliver will be my best man at my wedding someday. When I have kids someday I hope we'll still be friends so I can have Oliver over and we can tell them stories about our child hood. And how we became best friends.

Maybe one day I can tell them about TCS.

Anyway, so I ran. Until I reached where he was. He must of sensed my presence somehow though because he crossed the street. I wanted to follow him but too many cars were coming.

Fuck it, he's worth it though. Beside, we do this shit for fun!

And so I ran into the road, in attempt to get to Oliver. I expected the cars to swerve out of the way. They didn't though. A car was coming at me full speed and everything turned into slow motion.

I squeezed my eyes closed shut tightly. I didn't want to see it hit me. There was no way I could avoid it either. My life flashed before my eyes.

"Noah! I said not to put that Lego on there! It goes over there! God you are so stupid." Oliver groaned as he plucked the black Lego I had just placed on top of what he called his ''master piece'.

"Chill Ollie! By the way don't call me stupid you shit head." I chuckled, throwing the brick at him.

"Language boys! You guys are in first grade! You shouldn't be issuing that type of vocabulary!" Mrs. Shawn scolded us.

"It was Noah, not me." Oliver glared at me.

"But he will influence you if you become friends with him!" She insisted, making me roll my eyes.

"Don't worry Mrs. Shawn, I won't ever be friends with that bad influence."

Then when I thought it wasn't possible. Time slowed down even more as the car was now inches from my face.

"Fuck you man! I can't believe you would hack my fucking MySpace page and put 'im gay' as my description!" Oliver huffed angrily as he deleted the description I put after he left his laptop open.

"Well you are 13 so you could just say you're a confused hormonal teenager and that you aren't gay anymore." I shrug casually.

"You don't get the point Noah! I was never gay at all!" Oliver groaned lowly as I snickered some more.

"You sure bout that Ollie Lolly?" I chuckle as he rolls his eyes at the nick name he hates. "Remember the time Fat Ashely gave you an awkward bone-" I was about to finish my sentence but Oliver cut me off with a screech.

"I was going through puberty dude. It's natural. It doesn't mean that obese beast is actually attractive to me! She just brushed my leg with her fat rolls by mistake and yeah." Oliver groans again.

"Whatever you say bro, but you'll never catch me being attracted to that beast, my eye site is too good for that."

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